Military ID: how to get it, what documents are needed, what it is needed for, when it is issued, the procedure for obtaining it

Many men do not know what a military ID is for and therefore treat this document irresponsibly. I lost my military ID, and then unexpectedly encountered a number of difficulties when applying for a job. Not a single manager wanted to hire me without this document.

In this article I will talk about why it is so important to present a military registration document when applying for employment. I will also touch on the topic of whether it is possible to become a new employee of any organization without a military ID. In addition, the general purpose of documents of this nature and the places in which they can be requested will be discussed.

Who and where can get a Russian military ID?

A military ID is issued at the place of permanent (or temporary, for a period of more than 3 months) registration at the military commissariat.

A citizen receives a Russian military ID under the following conditions:

  • Admission to an educational institution to receive professional education;
  • Completion of military service;
  • Enlistment in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • Presence of medical contraindications to military service;
  • Exemption from military duties;
  • Reaching 27 years of age and enlisting in the reserves.

Required documents for a military ID

The list of documents required to obtain a military ID is regulated at the legislative level.

  • Application addressed to the military commissar according to the established form in 2 copies;
  • 2 photographs measuring 3x4 cm on matte paper;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, original;
  • Copies of 2, 3 and 5 pages of the passport on one sheet;
  • Original and copy of certificate of secondary education;
  • Original and copy of certificate of secondary vocational and (or) higher education;
  • Original and copy of driver's license, if available;
  • A sheet from the military medical commission (medical examination card) with a conclusion on the category of fitness.

Employer's responsibility when hiring without military documents

The employer company has the right to employ an employee without a military ID, but at the same time it must notify the military registration and enlistment office of the receipt of the data presented in the document (1 clause 4 of article Federal Law No. 53 “On Military Service” dated 03/28/1998)

If the employer carries out the official registration process, then he violates Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and may receive a fine in the following amounts:

  • From 10,000 to 20,000 thousand rubles for officials;
  • From 5,000 to 10,000 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs;
  • From 50,000 to 100,000 thousand rubles for legal entities.

What documents are needed to be exempt from military service?

For those who served in the army of another state

You should prepare the main package of documents and bring a military ID received in another state and its copy certified by a notary. If there are international agreements with this state, you will receive a Russian military ID.

For sons and brothers killed in the line of military duties

Expert opinion

Semenov Vyacheslav Denisovich

Practitioner lawyer with 8 years of experience. Specialization: criminal law. Member of the Bar Association.

To the main package of documents you should add a copy of the relative’s death certificate and a certificate from the military unit (applies only to relatives who served in conscription or military training).

For candidates and doctors of science

The main package of documents, a copy of the diploma and an application for awarding an academic degree.

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A military ID is a document confirming that you are registered with the military and do not avoid fulfilling your primary duty to the state. This little red book opens many doors - in particular, it allows you to find a good job.

To obtain a military ID without having served in the army, you need to collect a package of certain documents. They must contain information that exempts you from military service. Unfortunately, not every man can “decline” from the army, since this requires reasons.

To avoid wasting your time, get advice from a professional lawyer first and find out if you have a chance.

Can they be hired without a military ID?

If we study in detail the provisions of Art. 65. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a military ID does not provide a number of mandatory documents for employment, since it is not included in the approved list. Theoretically, an employer cannot refuse employment, but this procedure has some nuances.

The enterprise must necessarily notify the military registration and enlistment office of the presence of a military document for a citizen who has been hired, therefore, the implementation of the procedure requires compliance with all legal grounds and a military ID is still considered a mandatory document to present for official employment.

A military ID does not need to be provided to the following categories of persons:

  • Persons of minor age;
  • Men over 60 years of age;
  • Foreign citizens;
  • Women.

Hiring men over the age of 60 has some nuances (the possibility of employment without a document if the citizen is not called up for military duty).

In the absence of a military ID, certain categories of citizens cannot be hired:

  • Citizens liable for military service of conscription age (18–27 years). When a military ID is provided, the necessary information is sent to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • Men over the age of 27 are not subject to conscription age, but must provide a document to fill out a special T2 form (the form contains information about military registration);
  • Persons who are in the reserve aged 50 to 65 years and have a military rank.

When applying for a job, an employee should not hide information about his service or military registration, since such data is subject to thorough verification, and if violations are detected, the employer is responsible to the state.

Don't have time to read the article?

Obtaining a military ID without serving in the army is possible in a number of cases. Let's look at them to see which one suits your situation. Based on this, we will understand what documents will need to be collected to be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office.

  1. A citizen is issued a military ID if he has entered a university.
  2. Those citizens who are already undergoing military service can receive a red book.
  3. The document is also received upon enrollment in the reserve.
  4. The paper is issued to conscripts with poor health.
  5. Russians over 27 years old can get a military ID.

As you can see, you can obtain this document in different ways. For each case, the package of papers that the conscript must collect also changes.

To obtain a loan and mortgage

When registering loan obligations, all men from 18 to 27 years old present a military ID to the financial institution. If the bank does not make sure that the citizen will not be called up for service in the future, he will be denied a loan.

When a person leaves for military service, the financial institution is more likely to lose funds and delay payments.

That is, a military ID acts as one of the additional guarantees of compliance with obligations on a loan or mortgage.

Read more about whether a mortgage is possible without a military ID on our website.

What documents does a conscript need to collect to obtain a military ID?

Every Russian man needs a military ID, because without it it is impossible to resolve a number of “civil” issues. It will not be possible to avoid receiving it, so you should start collecting the accompanying papers in advance.

Standard package of documents

Every conscript needs a standard package of papers, regardless of whether he is going into the army or will be exempt from military service.

It doesn’t matter which document on this list you go to fill out first. Here's what you'll need to collect:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (and photocopies of passport pages No. 2, 3, 5).
  2. Certificate of secondary education (copy, original).
  3. Certificate of higher education (copy, original).
  4. Application addressed to the commissioner for obtaining a military ID in two copies.
  5. 2 photos in 2.5 x 3.5 format (necessarily on matte paper and with a corner).
  6. Driver's license (original, copy).
  7. Conclusion on assignment of fitness category from the military medical commission.

Every citizen who needs a military ID must collect documents from this list, regardless of other circumstances.

A package of documents for obtaining a military ID with enlistment in the reserve due to health reasons

To be included in the reserve, a person must prove that he has grounds for this. What list of documents in this case is required to be submitted to the commissariat to obtain a military ID? Here you need a document that will prove that you have appropriate medical contraindications.

Before going through the medical draft board, obtain from hospitals and clinics all the certificates, test results and examinations that are needed to prove that you have a particular disease.

Based on them and taking into account the information obtained during the inspection, the commission’s specialists will make a decision on whether to enroll you in the reserves. There is no specific list here, it will vary depending on your illness.

A package of documents for obtaining a military ID after 27 years

If you have reached the age of 27, you will no longer be drafted into the army. However, it is not enough to come to the commissariat on your birthday to receive the coveted red book.

You will be given a military ID only if you provide documents accumulated over 9 years proving that you did not serve legally.

It is difficult to say exactly what kind of paper will be needed to obtain a military ID. For example, it may be a diploma of higher education, a certificate from a medical institution, etc.

It is important that every “missed” period of service is covered legally. Otherwise, you may get into trouble with the law.

How to get a ticket

The algorithm for obtaining a military ID is a serious and lengthy process that should not be underestimated. It is necessary to take this issue seriously from the very beginning so that later there are no problems when receiving it.

The initial step to obtain a military officer is the moment when the summons is received. Immediately after its delivery, the young man is obliged to come to the military registration and enlistment office at a certain, clearly defined time interval and take all the necessary documents specified in the summons.

There is a regulated package of documents for everyone who does not set out to avoid the army and, in general, go through the entire verification procedure. For those who plan to be removed from ministry due to the presence of any illnesses, bring ready-made examination results from their doctor.

Each conscript is required to be given two forms to obtain medical certificates, on the basis of which the medical commission will render a verdict on whether his health allows him to fulfill his duty towards the Motherland.

If a young man called up to the military registration and enlistment office is preparing in advance to evade the army, it is better to prepare and take with him all the available reports from the doctor. In most cases, the medical commission of the military commissariat is not at all inclined to search conscripts for contraindications for military service, so it is better to undergo an examination in advance and stock up on the necessary conclusions. Serving with certain illnesses can lead to serious health problems.

Types of military IDs: what types of military IDs are there?

In Russia you can find two types of military cards:

  1. Military ID of a soldier, sailor, sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer, midshipman. That same red book, the object of every conscript's dreams. People sometimes call this document a “red military ID.” If a conscript was released from the army due to health reasons, they say that he received a “white ticket”.
  2. Military ID of a reserve officer. This green military ID is received by officers who retired and/or were enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces.

Why do you need a Russian military ID?

Expert opinion

Semenov Vyacheslav Denisovich

Practitioner lawyer with 8 years of experience. Specialization: criminal law. Member of the Bar Association.

A military ID is one of the main documents identifying a man. The main difficulty faced by conscripts without this document is problems with official employment.

Few employers would decide to hire an employee who could be drafted into the army at any time. On the one hand, the company risks being left without a valuable and already trained specialist, and on the other hand, it cannot remain silent about hiring a conscript and “cover” him from the military registration and enlistment office.

By law, the employer is required to keep military records of employees and report information about them to the military commissariat. For failure to comply with military registration rules, the organization may be fined.

Is a military ID required in other areas? In addition to problems with employment, a conscript without a military ID may have difficulties interacting with government organizations. Obtaining a residence permit, international passport and driver's license - when processing all these documents, officials ask to present a military ID.

In addition, as the practice of the Conscript Assistance Service shows, employees of the passport office are interested in the military registration document when replacing a Russian passport at the age of 20.

The lack of a document will make it difficult to apply for a consumer loan or obtain a mortgage, especially if we are talking about a young person under 27 years of age. Not all financial organizations take on the risks of providing funds to a citizen whose solvency may be at risk at any time due to conscription into the army.

And, finally, receiving a military ID in 2021 will provide protection from sudden police checks during conscription: upon presentation of a military ID, law enforcement officers suddenly lose interest in the man. But for a conscript without a military ID, a document check promises at a minimum a summons against receipt, and at a maximum prompt (albeit unlawful) delivery to the military registration and enlistment office for events related to conscription.

Where and in what cases is the document presented?

Many are sure that obtaining a military ID is a simple formality. Therefore, having received it at 18 or 20 years old, they hope that the document will simply lie there and never be needed.

This is not true at all, because a military ID may be needed at any time:

  1. When applying for a job. According to the law, employers maintain military records of all their employees. Therefore, this document is required when applying for a job. All facts of the absence of a military ID will be reported to the military registration and enlistment office.
  2. When applying for a foreign passport, you will be required to provide a military ID or a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office.
  3. Young people may have problems checking documents if their passport does not have the appropriate mark. Therefore, a military ID must be available, especially during the spring and autumn conscription periods.
  4. Persons over 18 years of age will also need a military ID upon admission to educational institutions.
  5. When applying for a driver's license.
  6. To obtain permission to store weapons, which is especially important for hunting enthusiasts.
  7. When preparing documents related to registration or registration.
  8. In case of obtaining loans from banking institutions.
  9. During combat operations.

How to get a military ID without military service?

A legal military ID can be obtained without military service. There are 6 ways to obtain a document:

  1. Graduate from the military department.
  2. Confirm the non-conscription diagnosis at the military registration and enlistment office.
  3. Receive a military ID by age - at 27 years old (sometimes instead of a military ID, the military registration and enlistment office may issue a draft dodger's certificate).
  4. Get a degree.
  5. Complete alternative civilian service.
  6. Be the son (brother) of a serviceman who died in action or died from injuries received during service.

Before receiving a military ID, a conscript must undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office and receive a fitness category at the draft board. After completing all conscription activities, you will need to submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office and attach documents for a military ID to it.

when issuing a military ID?

The long path to obtaining a military ID begins from the moment you receive a summons to the military registration and enlistment office. The text of the summons indicates the current set of documents with which you need to appear. If you know that this year you will have to go to the military registration and enlistment office, then take care of collecting documents in advance to speed up the process as much as possible.

Military ID is a document confirming personal military registration. It can be used as an identification document instead of a passport. Its main function is to provide identification for servicemen or persons in reserve.

There is a set of documents required for all conscripts, and an additional package for processing a deferment or enlistment, which will be different in each individual case.

Citizens can receive a Russian military ID in the following situations:

  • If a citizen entered an educational institution with the aim of obtaining a professional education;
  • If a citizen is undergoing military service;
  • If a citizen is enlisted in the reserves of the military forces of the Russian Federation;
  • If there are medical contraindications to military service;
  • If, during a medical examination, a serviceman receives exemption from military duties;
  • The citizen reached the age of 27 and was enlisted in the reserves.

General package of documents

The registration procedure, list of documents and deadlines for issuing a military ID are regulated by law and specialized instructions.

To obtain a military ID, you need a standard package of documents, which includes:

  • An application addressed to the military commissar, a drawn up application for extradition (addressed to the military commissar) according to the sample in 2 copies;
  • 2 photographs measuring 2.5x3.5 cm with a corner and on matte paper;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, original;
  • Copies of 2, 3 and 5 pages of the passport are made on one sheet;
  • Original and copy of certificate of secondary education;
  • Original and copy of certificate of higher education;
  • Original and copy of driver's license, if available;
  • A sheet from the military medical commission with a conclusion on the fitness category.

A package of documents for obtaining a military ID with enlistment in the reserve due to health reasons

To obtain a military ID with enlistment in the reserves, you must collect a standard package of documents. In this case, the military medical examination sheet must contain category “B” - enrollment in the reserves for medical reasons.

To obtain this category, it is necessary to collect certificates, test results and independent examinations, extracts, epicrises, photographs and submit them to the military medical draft commission. Based on these documents, a decision is made to grant a fitness category.

A package of documents for obtaining a military ID after 27 years

If you are 27 years old, then your conscription age has already ended - you will definitely not be drafted into the army. Even on your birthday, you can submit documents to the military registration and enlistment office to obtain a military ID.

However, in addition to the main package of documents, you should take care of carefully collecting documents for 9 years confirming the legality of the deferment from conscription. By providing proof of the legality that a citizen did not serve in the army, he is guaranteed to receive his military ID within the period established by law.

This happens sometimes. The reasons may be different, and often this is done illegally. Ask them to write you a paper justifying the reasons for refusing to issue a military ID. With this document, feel free to seek help from a military lawyer - he will help you act correctly in the current situation.

Be vigilant, silent and concise in your answers. Everything you tell about yourself at the military registration and enlistment office can be used against you. Don’t sign any unnecessary papers, don’t share your life story, and keep quiet about unofficial work. This way you have a chance to avoid unnecessary problems.

Do you have a non-standard situation and you don’t know how to behave? Call SKA “Prizyvnik” to receive competent and prompt legal assistance for free!

What documents are needed to obtain a military ID, that is, a document that is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation after they are recruited for service or upon transfer to the reserve, release for good reasons, depends on several circumstances.

Who has the right not to serve in the army?

The law of the Russian Federation defines several categories of citizens who can, on completely legal grounds, avoid wearing a conscript’s military uniform. A larger percentage of this category are those who, due to their health, are considered unfit to serve in the armed forces.

To obtain a military ID, in view of receiving this category, it will be necessary to undergo a number of medical checks, after which, in one way or another, an additional inpatient examination will be required.

The decision of the draft commission is made after studying all the results obtained, whether the young man will be enrolled in the so-called reserve, or will be completely removed from military service. This decision can be appealed in court.

It is curious that those citizens who have an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science, relatives of those killed or injured while serving their Motherland as a person liable for military service, are not required by default to undergo military service. Citizens serving sentences for committed criminal acts are also recognized by the law of the Russian Federation as unfit for military service. Moreover, if the criminal record is expunged, then they will most likely take you into the army.

List of documents to receive

Pre-collected documents for obtaining a military service ticket will speed up the process, so you need to know exactly their list:

  • Application to the military commissar (written in two copies)
  • 2 photo cards without white inserts or corners (on matte photo paper), measuring two and a half centimeters by three and a half, or better yet make three by four
  • Passport (original) and a copy of its pages No. 2,3,5 (it is important to make these copies on one sheet of A4 paper on both sides
  • Certificate of completion of a secondary educational institution (original and copy)
  • If you have a driving license, you must present them too, plus make a copy
  • Medical certificate (conclusion) about the current state of health

In addition, you need to have the following information: last name, first name, middle name, personal data, size of shoes, hats, clothing, residential address and registration address (registration) of the person liable for military service. At the same time, there are several restrictions (what you should not do when applying for a military ID):

  • No need to write explanatory notes
  • No need to sign additional papers
  • You should not tell about yourself more than the information that is already indicated in the package of documents and the application for a ticket.
  • There is no need to agree to interviews that are intended to reveal some more information about the person.
  • Of course, under no circumstances should you call yourself a “draft dodger” (a person evading military service)
  • No additional medical examinations required

To quickly issue a military ID, you need to make photocopies of your passport, driver’s license in advance, write an application, a certificate of secondary education, take photographs, a medical certificate, and attach the originals of these documents. Apart from the listed documents, they should not require anything else.

To obtain a driver's license

The approved mandatory list of documentation required to obtain a driver's license does not include a military ID. However, the document may be required earlier when obtaining a license to drive a vehicle.

Almost always, a ticket is requested by a psychiatrist during a medical examination to mark the certificate 003-В/у (permission to drive).

Since military documentation is received after a comprehensive examination at the military registration and enlistment office, it is considered as confirmation of a person’s mental health (if there is an appropriate mark on the fitness category).

Therefore, presenting a ticket greatly simplifies the procedure for passing a medical examination.

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