Article 96
Case N8-КГ17-3. On the collection of legal expenses. Laws and codes » Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation
Legal assistance > Legal services > Drawing up contracts > Failure to fulfill obligations Having concluded an agreement, counterparties
Administrative liability: in what cases does the court hold a legal entity liable, and in what cases does it hold an official liable?
Commentary to Art. 2.10 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 1. In accordance with Art. 2.1 Code of Administrative Offenses and
Termination of a multilateral agreement with one of the parties
Grounds and procedure for terminating a contract Termination of a contract is one of the topics that gives rise to
How can an entrepreneur enter into a fixed-term contract with an employee and not get into trouble later?
How to Register the Indefinite Duration of the Agreement “A similar procedure for the agreement is valid for all subsequent years.” "Treaty
State defense order: the practice of separate accounting, cost regulation, pricing. Treasury and banking support of contracts in 2021
Who is covered by treasury support? According to current legislation, Treasury support is applied when
Changes in procurement legislation under 44-FZ in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Responsibility of suppliers under 44-FZ If the contractor (contractor, supplier) has violated the terms of the contract, the customer may send
Article 425 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Validity of the agreement (current version)
Only the contract that has entered into force causes legal consequences. This means that he becomes legally
Full list of deadlines under 44-FZ as of July 1, 2021
The procurement legislation contains a large number of regulated deadlines. The deadlines in 44-FZ are established for all
Changes in procurement from SMEs in 2021 under Law No. 223-FZ
On 09/27/2018 0 Comments 223-FZ, 44-FZ, EIS, Request for quotations, Request for proposals, Tender, SMP, Special account,
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