Payroll accruals
How to calculate insurance premiums for employees taking into account reduced rates
General list of taxes and mandatory payments from the payroll In accordance with Russian legislation, individual
How to refuse pension contributions and can this be done legally?
How to pay into the pension fund yourself if you work unofficially The employee does not receive payments
The right of the tenant to conclude a rental agreement for social housing for a new term
Renting residential premises is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Property owners who don't plan throughout
From the Federal Tax Service to the Ministry of Justice: what fines threaten for failure to submit reports
Fines for failure to submit or failure to comply with deadlines for submitting reports Enterprises and entrepreneurs (IE) are required to provide
Types of activities covered by patent
Labor patent for work for foreign citizens: registration of a patent for labor activity in 2021
A patent for an individual entrepreneur is permission to engage in a certain area of ​​business. What types of activities?
Work injury: employer actions and payments in 2019
Nature of harm caused at work Harm is compensated when it was caused in connection with
How can an entrepreneur or organization return overpaid taxes?
The concept of offset or refund of the amount of overpaid tax and the reasons for the overpayment. Offset of the amount
Instructions: fill out an application to the Social Insurance Fund for reimbursement of benefits
General rules The key responsibility of all policyholders is the timely accrual and payment of insurance coverage in
Luxury tax: what is it, how to calculate, list of cars
Home / News and changes Back Published: 04/01/2020 Reading time: 9 min 0
Are insurance premiums calculated on sick leave benefits?
Any member of staff may be temporarily unable to work due to illness or caring for an unwell member
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