How and where to get a duplicate (copy) of a death certificate, how to restore a lost document
A death certificate is an important document that is often necessary to obtain. It's connected with
Modern civil registry office: how the unified state register will work
​​The implementation of the Unified State Registry Office is the result of the work of civil servants executing the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. All powers
Donation of non-residential premises
Donation agreement for non-residential premises, according to Art. 572 of the Civil Code, is a written agreement between the donor and
Fulfillment of their duties by guardians and trustees
Rights and responsibilities of a guardian over an incapacitated person However, it must be borne in mind that the PLO accepts complaints
Definition of the concept of “close relationship” in various areas of law
Is the ex-wife a close relative | Moscow
When preparing any documents, concluding contracts, transferring property under a deed of gift, etc. often on
Serious injury: how many days does it last and how is sick leave paid for fractures of a rib, arm and leg?
Grounds for issuing a bulletin in case of injury Any sprain, dislocation, bruise, fracture can happen as
Donating real estate in 5 questions and answers
Rights of the owner of a share in real estate According to the Civil Code, a gift transaction is recognized as gratuitous (Article 572, paragraph 1),
Payment of money
When and in what cases can parents file for child support?
Alimony from the mother The legal representatives of the child can demand payment of alimony from the mother: the father raising
Joint custody of a child after divorce: what is it and how to arrange it
What is guardianship? To find out what guardianship of a child is, you need to refer to Art.
cassation appeal arbitration court
Postponement of execution of a court decision
Algorithm from a lawyer: what to do if you lose the trial? There are two parties involved in the process.
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