Who controls management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives in the housing and communal services sector, inspection of companies and supervisory authorities
Difficulties and the need to consult a lawyer on housing issues Here are some potentially complex cases in which
Where to write a complaint
Who should have a book of reviews, complaints and suggestions, the nuances of its design
Unfortunately, in our country, violation of consumer rights is not a rare occurrence. Among the deceived
Consumer rights: where to turn to protect the rights of consumers of services and goods?
Consumer rights: who is a consumer, and by what signs can he be recognized? When considered
Termination of a contract that has expired
Termination of a real estate purchase and sale agreement after registration is a labor-intensive process, but not uncommon when purchasing or exchanging
How to collect state fees and other legal expenses
What is needed to collect As a general rule, to collect legal costs from the defendant it is necessary:
How to reduce the number of product returns in an online store: instructions for entrepreneurs
How to return a quality product Step 1. Study the list of goods that cannot be returned Not all
Compensation for the funeral of WWII participants
Payments and benefits paid after the death of a person to the children of the deceased, including adopted children. Paid
Document on compensation upon dismissal
Contract, Agreement or Agreement: how are they different?
From time to time, events at the enterprise develop in such a way that dismissal or at the initiative of the employer
We draw up and submit to the Federal Tax Service an application for a refund of the overpayment
Who carries out the reconciliation Reconciliation is regulated by section 3 of the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 09.09.2005 No.
when is a private complaint filed?
Private complaint against a court ruling on the collection of legal costs
Advised by a lawyer › Complaints Send Procedure and deadline for filing a private complaint against the determination
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