How to get a housing subsidy for the birth of triplets in the Moscow region

Which family is considered to have many children?

First of all, we will discuss what kind of family can be classified as large. The legislation does not provide a specific definition of large families, leaving the decision on this issue to regional authorities (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992 “On measures for social support of large families”).

In most regions, families with three children are considered large families, provided that all of them:

  • live with parents;
  • are minors;
  • study full-time or serve in the army.

Conditions for obtaining the status of a large family

Both parents can obtain the status of a large family if they are in a registered marriage. Both a single parent and the one with whom the children live after a divorce can become the owner of this status.

However, there are no clear legislative standards for determining this status, and they may differ in each region, so more accurate information can be obtained from the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

Conditions for receiving a subsidy

Main conditions:

  1. The presence of an existing federal or regional program, regulation is also possible at the municipal level (for example, in Moscow the state program “Housing” is relevant). You can find out whether such a subsidy is provided in your region by contacting the executive authority of the municipality or subject.
  2. Compliance with the status of a large family.
  3. The need to receive financial support (the total income of all family members is less than the total subsistence level).

The Family Code of the Russian Federation[1] does not define who belongs to this category, and there is also no law at the federal level. However, acts of subjects most often regulate the issue.

Typically, families with 3 or more children under 16 years of age are classified as having many children. They also recognize families with 3 or more children under 18 years of age if they are studying in educational institutions.

You can find out whether your family is entitled to receive a payment by reading the legislation of the region in which you live.

How to determine whether a large family needs to improve their living conditions

The housing problem in the Russian Federation is one of the most difficult, especially for families with a large number of children, because their income level is significantly lower than the statistical average. That is why the state offers assistance to large families for the purchase of housing.

But in order to receive this help, the family must be recognized as in need of improved housing circumstances.

Citizens may be recognized as needy under the following conditions:

  • do not have housing under a social rental agreement or own property;
  • the total area of ​​their living space is less than a certain number of square meters per family member (each region has its own minimum). If a family has several residential premises at its disposal, their total area is taken into account;
  • they live in housing that has been declared unsuitable;
  • there is a person in the family whose disease is recognized as dangerous to others (for example, tuberculosis).

However, these factors are not enough to improve housing. Family members must have Russian citizenship, and parents (parent) must be officially employed.

In addition, the family must be recognized as low-income, that is, have an average income below the subsistence level established in the region.

Subsidy amount

A subsidy for the purchase of an apartment is usually calculated based on the standard cost of housing and represents a kind of discount on the purchase. For large families, as a rule, a payment of 100% of the standard cost is due. This does not mean that you can get an apartment for free.

For each family member, the standard living area is 18 square meters. This area must be multiplied by the number of people (the average large family in the Russian Federation is 5 people). The average market value per square meter in standard buildings in your region is calculated. The area obtained per family is multiplied by this cost. This amount can be received as a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

If a family purchases an apartment exceeding the calculated area, the rest of the purchase can be paid from personal funds or using maternity capital.

It is worth noting that if one of the family members owns housing in social rent, the area of ​​this residential premises is deducted from the area for which assistance is provided from the state in the form of a subsidy.

Types of subsidies for large families

In the Russian Federation, there are several programs aimed at supporting citizens in need of social assistance. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what subsidies are available to large families and where to apply to receive them.

The most significant support is subsidies for the purchase of housing or construction of a house, partial compensation for utility bills, allocation of funds for farming, as well as financial assistance to parents who decide to start their own business.

In addition, many regions have regional maternity capital, which is paid in addition to the federal one. There are many smaller payments and benefits:

  • free medicines for children;
  • provision of free school and sports clothing;
  • payment for school meals, kindergarten visits and others.

Subsidies for housing and communal services

The subsidy for housing and communal services for large families is regulated by the already mentioned Decree No. 431 and involves reimbursement of costs for heating, water, sewerage and other services of management companies in the amount of at least 30%.

If a family lives in a private house, they can be compensated for fuel costs.

Read more about benefits for large families for utility bills.

Subsidy for housing purchase

In addition to compensation for housing and communal services costs, there is a subsidy for the purchase of housing for large families, the use of which is regulated by regional legislation. With its help you can buy an apartment, build a house or pay off a mortgage.

This subsidy is calculated taking into account the cost of 1 m2 of housing in a particular region.

Find out more about mortgages for large families.

Purchasing living space in installments

Housing subsidies for large families in 2021 are quite varied. One of the ways to improve your living conditions is by installments. In this case, the region provides housing to those in need, the cost of which is set below the market price.

According to the purchase and sale agreement, families must pay the city within 10 years, the down payment for large families is 10%.

In addition, the cost of 30 m2 is deducted from the total cost of the apartment, and upon the birth of subsequent children, the cost is reduced by 18 m2 for each of them.

Funds instead of land

Another state program to support citizens with the status of large families is the allocation of free land plots. However, not all regions can allocate land, and citizens are not always interested in it, so they often sell the plot after receiving ownership rights in order to improve their living conditions.

It is for this reason that amendments were made to the Land Code to make it possible to receive money instead of a plot.

Find out whether large families can receive money instead of land plots.

How to get a subsidy for the purchase of housing?

To apply for a subsidy for the purchase of housing, a family must obtain the status of a large family by contacting the territorial social protection authority with a corresponding application and supporting documents.

List of required documents:

  • Copies and originals of passports and birth certificates of all family members;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Certificate of the need to improve living conditions;
  • Certificate form 2-NDFL;
  • Work book and copies of all its completed sheets;
  • Extract from the house register;
  • Copies of documents for the purchased housing;
  • A document confirming ownership of the existing living space;
  • Certificate of full-time education for an adult child.

After submitting an application for benefits in connection with the status of “large family,” a notification is received within a month about the approval or refusal of the subsidy. If the decision is positive, you can receive a certificate.

Subsidies for large families for housing will be awarded only in the next year after application, which is important when planning the construction or purchase of housing.

The amount of the subsidy for living space can be calculated using a special formula, which takes into account the average market price per square meter. meters in a specific region of the Russian Federation, the total area of ​​available housing and the percentage of subsidies.

Subsidy for house construction: the essence of the program

Many citizens with several children prefer to live not in an apartment building, but in a separate one, considering it more convenient and safe. In this case, large families are given money to build a house. This subsidy can be provided in two ways - before the construction of the house or after its completion.

In the first case, money is issued for the purchase of necessary materials and payment for construction work, while in the second, the state compensates for the costs already incurred by citizens.

In both cases, you need to remember that the money is earmarked and a detailed report of all expenses incurred will be required.

The allocated loan amount to large families for construction can reach 50-100% of family costs and is regulated by regional legislation - it depends on the living space standard established in the region, the cost of 1 m2, the waiting time for a subsidy and other circumstances.

The final amount is directly dependent on the number of minor children in the family.

If citizens have three children, they are repaid half of the amount received for construction. If there are four children, the subsidy amount increases to 70%. Parents of five or more children can expect full reimbursement.

Conditions for queuing to receive a subsidy

Despite the state’s constant concern for improving the living conditions of citizens with many children, not all of them can participate in the construction subsidy program.

If a family wants to build a house, to register it needs:

  • have less than 10 m2 per member;
  • live in dilapidated, unsafe and/or housing that does not meet sanitary standards;
  • live together with a carrier of a disease dangerous to others, for example, tuberculosis;
  • have not previously participated in such programs.

Additional requirements for applicants

When considering whether to queue for a subsidy, not only the living conditions of applicants are taken into account. There are a number of additional requirements:

  • all family members have Russian citizenship;
  • parents' marriage is registered;
  • both mother and father are officially employed. In some regions, such a requirement is not imposed on the mother if she has minor children under 14 years of age.

How to receive funds

The procedure for obtaining a loan for large families to build a house is not complicated, although it requires a large number of documents. However, there is no need to provide them all at once - it is enough to follow a certain algorithm of actions.

Where to contact

To receive a subsidy, you need to contact your local government. After reviewing all the documents, they will decide on the allocation of funds.

You must contact the administrative body on whose territory the construction of a residential building is planned. Applicants must be registered in the region of application for at least a year.


When contacting the municipality, you need to write an application. It is compiled in free form, but must contain

  • administrative authority data;
  • personal data of the applicant;
  • his passport details;
  • description of housing occupied at the time of application;
  • information about family members living with the applicant, as well as information about their family ties with the applicant;
  • information about family income.

Required documents

When submitting an application for a subsidy, you must attach the following:

  • parents' passports;
  • birth certificates for each child;
  • a certificate from the place of residence about the composition of the family, an extract from the house register or apartment card;
  • certificate of absence of debts on utility bills;
  • certificate of a large family;
  • certificates of parents' income;
  • documents for real estate owned by the family.
Additional documents

To obtain a loan for the construction of a house, after registering and receiving a notification, citizens with many children must provide:

  • documents for the land plot on which construction is planned;
  • permission to carry out construction work;
  • construction estimate, which does not include the costs of paying workers and the developer’s administration;
  • house project completed by a licensed organization.

If the house is built, you need to provide its cadastral passport and documents confirming construction costs.

In addition, consent to the processing of personal data of all adult family members will be required. Decisions for minor children are made by their legal representatives, that is, parents.

Deadline for issuing a subsidy certificate

The application is reviewed within a month. During the same period, the amount the family will receive is calculated.

After this, within 5 days the applicant will receive a notification, and then a certificate of subsidy.

If citizens apply for compensation for the costs of a built house, they must contact the local government authorities no later than two months from the date of registration of the building with the registration authority.

Actions after receiving the certificate

After receiving a certificate confirming the right to receive funds, the applicant must contact the bank designated by the municipality. You need to open an account in this bank in the name of the certificate owner.

The account will be on target. Money from it can only be spent on settlements with trade and contractor organizations. All mutual settlements must be made only in non-cash form.

Amount of subsidy for building a house and conditions for its use

Benefits for large families during housing construction depend on the composition of the family, the number of children and the cost of 1 m2 of housing in the region where the application is submitted.

The norm on the basis of which calculations are made is 42 m2 for three family members and 18 m2 for each subsequent one.

However, these criteria are subject to change as they are reviewed and established annually at the federal level.

The amount to be reimbursed is usually 10-70% of the cost of housing. Rural residents tend to receive higher compensation than urban residents.

To report on the expenditure of the targeted subsidy, citizens must provide payment documents confirming the costs and a cadastral passport for a residential building, received no later than three months after the completion of construction.

Housing subsidy

The meaning of subsidies is that part of the funds for the purchase of housing is allocated by the state; Citizens contribute the rest of the amount themselves. For this purpose, you can use maternity capital or take out a preferential mortgage loan. Funds from the budget are allocated:

  • for the purchase of an apartment in a new building;
  • for the purchase of secondary housing;
  • for the construction of a house.

Housing subsidies for large families are provided on a rolling basis. Considering that funds for the purchase of housing are allocated not from the federal, but from the regional budget, the opportunity to move into your own apartment appears after 2, 3, or even more years.

Not all married couples with three children have the right to assistance from the state, but only a small percentage of them who meet all the conditions specified in the law.

Who is entitled to

A subsidy for the purchase of housing for large families is allocated only if:

  1. The amount of living space per person is less than 10 m².
  2. The total income of all relatives living together for 3 months, divided by the number of people in the family, does not exceed the subsistence level.

At the same time, the cost of living for working citizens and dependents is different, and when calculating income, pensions and child benefits are taken into account.

There may be situations where a family does not meet any of these requirements, but can still qualify for a subsidy to improve their living conditions:

  • the premises where citizens with many children live are in disrepair;
  • the spouses do not have housing or they rent it on a private rental basis (in the case of “social rental” housing, for example, receiving a room in a dormitory or communal apartment, the subsidy can only be provided on general terms);
  • a member of a large family is sick with an open form of a severe infectious disease.

Registration procedure

In order to get on the waiting list for improved housing conditions, you must provide the following documents:

  • a certificate confirming the status of a large family;
  • copy of passports;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • copies of birth certificates of all children under 18 years of age;
  • a certificate from the Social Security Administration recognizing the family as low-income;
  • documents for housing or a document confirming the absence of living space in the property;
  • certificate from place of residence.

Housing subsidies are paid to large families free of charge. It can be used within six months from the moment of isolation. The decision to place someone on the waiting list is made within six months, but you have to wait several years for payment. Parents of large families with disabled children, military veterans and government employees have priority rights.

Regional features

Subsidies for large families have their own characteristics in different regions of the Russian Federation. Thus, regional maternity capital in Moscow is only 100,000 rubles, and in Bashkortostan - 453,000 rubles. In the same republic, maternity capital is paid for each adopted child.

The rules for providing maternal captain and the list of needs for which it can be spent also depend on local conditions:

  • to purchase transport for a disabled child;
  • for the construction of a bathhouse;
  • for education;
  • for the purchase of a garage (only in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug);
  • for the purchase of children's goods;
  • for the treatment of a child, etc.

The form of payment (cash or only through the mediation of the developer) also differs between regions.

Housing subsidies for spouses with many children are issued according to general rules, but the number of families with a chance to receive housing in the current year depends on the size of the regional budget.

Improving living conditions for large families

The assistance provided by the state by providing subsidies to expand housing conditions for large families is a huge support for them. However, the allocated money cannot be spent arbitrarily and you will have to account for it.

Despite some difficulties, lengthy collection of documents and strict reporting, subsidy programs for families with many children are a real chance to significantly improve living conditions.

Read more about how a large family can improve their living conditions.

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