How to correctly register a pensioner in a nursing home for a pension - step-by-step instructions

Parents are the most sacred thing that people have. With the advent of old age, they may experience difficulties in performing basic household chores, maintaining hygiene and self-care. To provide a pensioner with constant care, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time, which is sorely lacking in the rhythm of modern life among young people who are building careers and their own families. This text will discuss how to properly register an elderly person in a boarding house for the elderly and how justified this is.

Homes for the elderly in Russia in modern reality

Boarding houses for the elderly are divided into only two types: public and private . It is extremely difficult to get into state nursing homes due to lack of space. This state of affairs is due to insufficient funding from the state, which, in turn, leads to low staffing levels and poor quality living and service conditions. Today we can talk about a queue of citizens who want to get into a federal boarding house for the elderly, numbering 20 thousand.

Private nursing homes, as a rule, charge a lot of money for their services, however, they provide the best conditions of stay and medical care.

The state does not have the ability to cope with such responsibilities fully, so private institutions are involved in the matter. This prevalence of paid organizations is due to the fact that opening them does not require obtaining special permits or licenses. Organizers usually rent appropriate premises, arrange furniture, and hire nurses and health workers.

It is worth noting that some private boarding houses for the elderly still issue appropriate licenses, hire qualified employees and have their own hospitals. The modern nursing home “Eden” is just such an institution.

Payment rules for pension benefits

It is allowed to pay a fee represented by part of the pension. Some pensioners completely sell their residential property, after which the amount received is transferred to the account of an organization that offers care services. The exact amount of the fee depends on the living conditions and pension of the citizen.

The following rates apply as standard:

  • single people pay about 75% of their pension, leaving 25% for personal spending;
  • if the pensioner has an incapacitated dependent, then a maximum of 50% of the pension is charged to pay for the nursing home;
  • if there are two dependents, the fee is 42% of the income of the elderly person;
  • if there are three dependents, then no more than 25% of the pension is contributed.

If for various reasons an elderly person is temporarily absent from a boarding school, for example, living in a hospital or going to visit relatives for several months, then the payment is only 25% of the pension, and if the period of absence exceeds 10 months, then no amount is paid.

Government institutions use percentages, so the exact size of a citizen’s pension is not taken into account. If there are not enough funds, then the difference is covered from budget funds, so there is no additional payment from relatives. If the pensioner lived in a municipal apartment before moving to a social nursing home, and there are no other registered persons, then the housing is transferred to the state after 6 months.

Types of boarding houses for the elderly

Immediately before choosing a social institution for an elderly person, it is necessary to decide on the type of organization. This decision should be made based on health status, age and degree of disability, as well as other factors.

  • Standard boarding schools

    . In such institutions, residents are provided with basic services. It is possible to accommodate not only a pensioner, but also an adult citizen with any degree of disability.
  • Psychoneurological institutions . Such establishments welcome people with disorders of the brain and psyche, as well as those suffering from a decrease in intellectual abilities. Boarding houses of this type have enhanced security and medical support.
  • Gerontological centers . Recommended for housing elderly citizens who have lost the ability to self-care due to complete or partial loss of legal capacity. It also accommodates disabled people and patients with musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Homes for single elderly people . Institutions for citizens who have been registered for placement in a state nursing home and who do not have loved ones or relatives.

Who is eligible for a place in a nursing home?

According to the current legislation in our country, nursing homes can be used by single elderly people who do not have children or close relatives who are able to work and act as a guardian. In addition, this is a category of people who, due to illness or injury, are unable to care for themselves. To be admitted to a nursing home, you must receive a referral from social services. Only in this case will the elderly person receive the appropriate voucher. Unfortunately, not many people can count on this because nursing homes are overcrowded. In addition, not all older people can count on free help from social services. Significant reasons for placing an elderly person in a nursing home include:

  • diagnosed dementia;
  • lack of ability to take care of oneself;
  • living away from relatives;
  • completing a rehabilitation course that cannot be completed at home;
  • living conditions do not correspond to the state of health.

State nursing homes accept only certain categories of citizens , namely:

  • veterans of all wars;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • lonely pensioners who cannot take care of themselves;
  • elderly people in need of medical care.


Disabled veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, as well as members of their families, are admitted to nursing homes as a priority.

If a person does not fall into one of these categories, they will be refused placement in a care home because such places are poorly funded and the number of beds is limited.

How to properly register for a federal boarding house for the elderly?

First you need to get into the queue for placement, which means only certain categories of people:

Each specialized institution has its own admission and registration criteria. When an elderly or disabled person meets age restrictions and other criteria, he may still be denied registration in a federal or private nursing home under the following circumstances:

  1. The presence of diseases that can cause harm to others.
  2. If he has capable relatives who live near the applicant and are able to provide him with care and concern.
  3. If the applicant has no evidence of inability to care for himself/herself.

If all the conditions for registration are met and a positive decision is received for placement in a boarding house, a person will need to collect many documents for placement in a gerontological center.

How to pay for the maintenance of an old person

There are three options for paying for boarding services for elderly people:

  • At the expense of the old man’s pension contributions to the boarding house;
  • By transferring the property of a pensioner in favor of a nursing home;
  • Due to payment for the services of the center by relatives of the elderly person.

The first method is the most common, but does not guarantee comfortable placement of a person due to the fact that the size of pension accruals for the majority leaves much to be desired. The second method is extremely risky. It is decided by people who have no relatives. In practice, it is not uncommon for pensioners to live for only a few days after transferring property to social workers.

Paying for boarding school at the expense of relatives is the best option. Employees of the institution can calculate in advance the number of necessary services for the comfortable living of an old person. If he has a large family, the service will be complete and of high quality. When dividing the payment, it will not hit the wallets of your loved ones.

How is the maintenance of elderly people paid?

At this time, there are three main ways to pay for services and accommodation in a nursing home:

  1. Payment from your own pension, which will be automatically deducted in favor of the institution.
  2. Possibility to transfer the old man's property to a boarding house.
  3. Payment for services at the pensioner center by his relatives (most common).

The first option also has some popularity, however, it cannot guarantee a comfortable stay in a boarding house due to the insufficient amount of pension accruals in the modern world. The second option is very risky. Usually single pensioners can decide on it. But the reality is that there have been cases where a pensioner was kicked out or disappeared somewhere a few days after transferring his own property to a social institution and its employees.

Payment for boarding house services by relatives is the best option. Boarding house employees can calculate in advance the cost of necessary services to create the proper level of comfort and coziness during a pensioner’s stay. If an elderly person has a large number of family members, then it is possible to divide the payment between them and then the old man will receive the best standard of living, and the wallets of his relatives will not become thinner.

What can an old man count on in a boarding school?

In cases where a citizen stays in a boarding school at the expense of his pension contributions, he will most likely be provided with average conditions acceptable to the majority. This service includes:

  • Stay in a warm room for 3 or 4 guests . Typically, such rooms are equipped with the necessary furniture and some repairs. Personal chambers are only available for an additional fee.
  • Continuous care from a qualified caregiver . A pensioner can easily turn to employees for any help at any time.
  • Individual approach . Therapeutic and preventive procedures and measures are formed according to the characteristics of the old person. For people with problems in the musculoskeletal system, it is possible to provide assistance in going to the restroom, shower, etc.
  • Medical services . Good boarding schools, for example “Eden”, have a staff of experienced workers, which consists of therapists, psychologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists and other specialized specialists.

At the same time, pensioners are provided with several types of leisure activities. As a rule, leisure time includes access to extensive libraries, film and game libraries, daily walks in the fresh air, watching videos and movies in recreation rooms.

How I spent my old age

Let's start with the government ones. There are 9 of them in Moscow. Another one is not far from the Tourist station. The most desirable boarding house in Konkovo. It's for war veterans. Only 150 places. Spacious rooms. View of a cheerful birch grove. Nightingales at dawn disturb the soul. But without a certificate there is nothing to do there.

To get into a boarding house, you must either reach retirement age and have a disability, or go to the commercial department. For living in a boarding house, 75% is deducted from the pension. War veterans give half. But the Moscow government spends 60 thousand rubles a month on a pensioner, regardless of the size of the pension. As we can see, the benefits are obvious.

Getting into a nursing home is not easy. You must undergo a comprehensive medical examination. A little simpler than that of astronauts, and much more serious than that of drivers. As I was assured by my employer, everything will take no more than a month. It's another matter if you have a diagnosis.

It's sad to say, but in old age a person sometimes loses his mind. There are special boarding schools for such unfortunate people. It's difficult to get there. Still, I hope that this cup will pass from me. I agree with mild dementia. That's why I asked to go to the most ordinary boarding house.

“There is absolutely no shame in bringing your relatives to us,” Valery Chistov, the director of boarding house No. 29, told me. - There are different situations. For example, you have to work, raise children, but here it’s such a burden. I don't blame such people. But I call it a real crime to hand over a sick grandmother to us and forget about her!

8-storey building on the banks of the Setun River. There are skyscrapers all around, and here there are squirrels running around the park. Chestnut Alley was planted by a resident of the boarding house, Great Patriotic War veteran Ivan Luchkov - here is the sign. The interior is spacious and clean. But not like in the operating block, but the most ordinary, cozy one. Sofas, armchairs, TVs covering the entire wall. I remember as a child visiting an immobilized distant relative in the early 80s. There was such a smell there that I wanted to jump out of the window. And here it smelled of violets.

On the ground floor, the Retro choir was rehearsing to the accordion. They sang “Get up, huge country” and “Blue Handkerchief”. Some were in wheelchairs, others came on their own with a cane. And the son of the regiment, Nikolai Kostochkin, walks among the recumbent performers with his accordion. He took Konigsberg. And now he lives here with a sign on the door: “Participant of the Second World War.”

Lunch was served in the dining room, which slightly resembled a restaurant in its tablecloths and cutlery. Meals: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and kefir with a bun for bedtime. Many are getting better before our eyes. Then they are prescribed a dietary table. Everything is free, of course.

This boarding house has 501 beds. 500 boarders are served by 325 staff. There are 6 patronage nurses on each floor, even at night. 100 sets of linen are changed daily. Specificity.

On the 8th floor are the most energetic ones. I met Tamara Smirnova in her upper room. Spacious, bright room for two. A huge loggia overlooking the floodplain of the Setun River and new buildings. Wardrobe, sofa, sofa. TV, refrigerator, samovar. But you can have a snack right on the floor in a special room with a stove and served tables. Birthdays are also celebrated in a narrow circle. Tamara Grigorievna worked all her life at Central Television. Edited the program "Time". She was involved in Olympic broadcasts. She is now approaching 90. She just returned from visiting her daughter. We walked for a week - a great-grandson was born! They named him George. Smirnova has a large family. But she made her choice. In the summer I went straight from the boarding house to Egypt or Turkey. Now, of course, Crimea is on the agenda. I didn’t bother asking her about all the circumstances of moving here. But to be honest, the housing issue can be solved this way. In addition, in the boarding house on the ground floor there is an entire clinic with an isolation ward.

Has anyone had their teeth treated in Moscow? Did you install it? I cursed everything in the world because of the queues at my clinic. And here, without a queue, they will heal the tooth, and if there is nothing to treat, they will put in a prosthesis. Yes, yes, a master prosthetist works. In addition to therapists, a surgeon, an endocrinologist and a neurologist, there is an entire physiotherapy department and a physical therapy department. The doctor will prescribe therapeutic loads on the muscles or musculoskeletal system - and the orderlies will carry out the procedures exactly on time. Here so many bedridden people were turned into walkers. The main thing is not to give up, not to give up. Five people have already crossed the 100-year mark.

Well, those who are bedridden are still aware of the turbulent life of the boarding house. It broadcasts its own cable television. The Veterans Council (this organization is honored here on a par with the UN Security Council) decides by a majority vote which films will be shown this month. It is clear that this is a good old classic of Russian cinema. Naturally, no advertising.

And on Saturdays there is a service in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was converted from an apartment. The belfry is installed directly on the loggia. The bells were cast to a special order at ZIL. I’m sure you won’t find such a tall bell tower in the entire area.

So, a service is broadcast on local TV for bedridden people. And all the holidays and events. Cameras are installed throughout the boarding house. In the dining room, hall, assembly hall and in the courtyard. The guest just clicks the remote control and he is aware of all the latest events. Interactive!

— Valery Fedorovich, which boarding house is better: private or public? — I ask the director finally. “After all, among private ones there are those where they only lay silk sheets, feed them black caviar, and the nurses are all Evelina Bledans.

— State boarding houses are better. And that's why. For 500 people living in the boarding house, we are able to maintain a full-fledged staff of doctors.

Silk sheets at this age are not important. The main thing is qualified medical care. No private boarding house is able to support so many doctors.

Don't believe me? Of course, the oligarch grandfather can be sent to Miami, where he will be assigned a personal gerontologist. But how much will it cost? So that!

Private life

I went to a private nursing home. They were now being revealed, visibly and invisibly. Some are written about in crime chronicles. This is when sick old people are starved or die in fire. But I took the most common chain of private boarding houses in the mid-price category. With a license. The prices are the same as in the state - 60 thousand per month. I don’t name it so as not to be accused of advertising or anti-advertising. In short, I dialed the number that popped up first in the search engine and called. He said that I was going on vacation, and there was no one to leave my grandmother with.

- Come! - the receiver was happy.

The private boarding house was located just a short distance from the Moscow Ring Road, but it took me forever to get there. Through the construction market and the cemetery, through crazy traffic jams and broken asphalt. And this is on Thursday afternoon. What's going to happen this weekend?

The blue arrows on the winding road of the old dacha place helped me find the boarding house. Even then I thought: there are arrows, but there is no name where they lead. Some kind of Timurovites. Or a game of old robbers?

Dachas, dachas. Finally, a blank brown fence made of corrugated board. Not a single sign or sign. This is how real residents live. The automatic gate opened when I called the code word into the intercom.

Quite a nice brick dacha. Two innocent grannies are riding on a swing. The gardener (who is also a security guard) takes care of the roses. I figured: 10 acres of space is not enough for walking?

They met me. The woman in white introduced herself as Zoya. She asked me to put on shoe covers. Immediately from the door began the hall, as it was called here. Two tables covered with oilcloth. Either a nurse's post or a food distribution window. There was a cat feeding in the corner behind the sofa.

“Another client to view,” the maid told my escort, Zoya.

- Let him wait. Give me some tea. We'll see and we'll be free soon.

As far as I understand, things are going well at this house. Views, views. There are more than enough people who want to get rid of their old ladies, at least for a while. Over the phone I was carefully questioned about my grandmother's condition. Does she get up to go to the toilet on her own? After all, 90% of their population has dementia. And if your grandmother has schizophrenia, then it’s better to tell her right away. Then they will assign you to another house. But the price will be different.

No, according to my legend, ots-tots-pervertots, grandma is healthy. Then we’ll make a discount, they say, 55 thousand. But for the first month.

— There is one place in the room with an absolutely normal, intelligent old lady. Hurry up. It is a rarity!

The place was in a tiny cell. Even two bedside tables did not fit between the iron beds. Outside the window are the grounds of the nouveau riche with barbecues. “My” place was on the second floor. Not only my grandmother, but even Carlson’s grandmother would not have liked the steep staircase.

The guests, despite the sunny day, sat in front of the TV. Well, really, where to go for a walk? The swing is already occupied.

“Here we have a room for entertainment,” Zoya continued the tour. — Animation until lunch. Those who wish, sew. The accordionist comes. This develops motor skills.

- At the accordion player's?

“At the contingent,” and Zoya looked at me for the first time.

— What are the procedures here?

- Which ones the therapist will prescribe. We have our own therapist. And you will take them to the procedures yourself...

- Darling! — a dry old woman stepped out from the next room like a shadow. - I'd like to measure my blood pressure!

“Now, now, I’ll tell the doctor, he’ll come up...” and then to me: “By the way, your room is very comfortable.” Opposite the toilet. You don't have to go far.

I must say that the bathroom was clean. It’s like in a kindergarten: the toilets stick out without any partitions. Then someone’s grandmother came in with a dreamy smile. She opened her robe and sat down. I jumped out.

- Wait! - Zoya caught me on the first floor. - You haven’t left your data yet! Take this reminder. These are tests that need to be taken. And let me write you down in the visitor log.

And although the tests were not burdensome (blood from a vein and a few other things), I resolutely refused private content. Of course, when the Maldives is waiting, and there is nowhere to place the grandmother, this is an option. But even though I haven’t had a grandmother for a long time, I wouldn’t give mine here. If she doesn't have dementia, what would she think of me?


My experiment has come to an end. One thing is clear: making a profit from fostering the elderly puts a stain on all good intentions. The hell with taking tests for a state institution and passing a commission is no better. I would like to say: you live - you choose. But some survive, and others choose. Selyavi.

Basic rules for registering an old person in a boarding house for the elderly

Before starting the procedure for registering a person in a nursing home, you need to obtain vouchers or a warrant. Such documents are issued at local branches of social security authorities. State employees provide a list of documents required for placement in a particular boarding house, as well as medical forms for filling out by the local doctor.

List of documents for registration in a nursing home

The list of official documentation varies depending on the conditions of placement in a nursing home, the specifics of its work and the health of the old person. The main documents include:

  • A corresponding statement from the pensioner, written in his own hand. Also, similar applications are accepted from relatives in cases where a person has lost his legal capacity or cannot account for his actions.
  • Color copies of all pages of the senior citizen's passport.
  • Outpatient card with a complete medical history, as well as a medical commission.
  • You may need documents about the living conditions of the pensioner, his relatives or guardians.

Information is also provided about the old person’s current living conditions and the presence of relatives or guardians.

Reasons why a place will be refused

There are several factors due to which placement in a boarding school may be denied:

  1. If the pensioner lives with able-bodied relatives;
  2. A pensioner who works after retirement cannot apply for a position;
  3. In addition, when moving to a nursing home, the standard of living of an elderly person is significantly reduced.

People with certain diseases cannot be kept in a nursing home:

  • in the presence of an open form of tuberculosis. In this case, the patient must register with a tuberculosis clinic and undergo treatment. After completing the course, the request is submitted again;
  • if you have HIV. Elderly people with a similar illness need special care and treatment under the close supervision of a doctor. A boarding school cannot provide such care;
  • in the presence of oncology. If the patient is diagnosed at an early stage, he must be admitted to a cancer center. Once remission occurs, the pensioner has a chance to try again. If you cannot recover, you need to contact a hospice;
  • in the presence of epilepsy. Care for such patients should be carried out in a specialized hospital after the pensioner registers with a psychoneurological dispensary;
  • in the presence of mental illness. If the disease is in the acute phase, the patient should be hospitalized in a hospital.

Evgeniy Baidalin

Practicing lawyer in civil and arbitration cases. More than 8 years of experience

Ask a Question

Alzheimer's and dementia do not prevent a pensioner from living in a boarding school

Accommodation in a house may be denied if a citizen has violated the rules of the establishment several times, drank alcoholic beverages, smoked or taken drugs.

How to transport an elderly person to a nursing home: procedures and deadlines

At the first stage, you need to contact the department of social protection of citizens, submit an application and receive a medical form for subsequent completion. Then you will have to go through the following activities:

  • Visiting a psychiatrist

    . If a person does not have mental disorders, then he will be sent to boarding houses of a general type, and if deviations are determined, to psychoneurological ones.
  • Visit to the therapist . In consultation with your local doctor, he will listen to possible complaints and give a referral for basic urine and blood tests. If you have any disease, the number of doctors you need to visit will increase significantly.
  • If a person has a disability, then he will need a VTEK conclusion . Depending on a person's ability to move and their level of physical mobility, they will receive specialized care or a standard type of care.

After submitting the completed medical record to the departments of the social security authorities, the pensioner must write an application for placement in a boarding school. This application is made only with the voluntary consent of all family members or guardians. Then the social service employee will have to draw up a report on family members and living conditions.

After the entire package of documents has been collected, it must be submitted to the district commission for consideration, which will serve as the basis for obtaining a place in the queue. Taking into account the fact that there are insufficient places in state boarding houses, many old people have been in such a queue for years. This state of affairs forces people to turn to private nursing homes, which may also be called “rest homes for the elderly.”

After compiling a complete package of documents and submitting it to the district commission for consideration, the pensioner receives a place in the queue. Given that there are few places in state boarding schools, some have to wait for years. Therefore, people turn to private boarding houses, which are also called “rest homes for the elderly.”

Of course, there are alternatives to placing an elderly person in a nursing home, however, none of these alternative options can so fully satisfy a person’s needs for communication, medicine, care, care and warmth. But it is worth considering that choosing a good boarding house, where the patient will be provided with everything described above, is not an easy task - be careful.

Who can apply and deadlines

When considering the issue of free placement in a nursing home, you need to understand that the registration must be done personally. Another option is to apply through a representative (relative, guardian). If an elderly person is incapacitated and has no relatives or guardian, employees of a social institution must collect all the necessary documents for him.

Social security officials must review the application and documents within 5 days . After this period, the citizen is informed in writing about the results of the service. The voucher is valid for 30 days . If a citizen was unable to use the document during this period for a valid reason, he will have to re-apply to the social security service.

How to choose a private nursing home for registration

Private boarding houses provide the necessary care, medical services, and interesting leisure activities. The medical component is necessary, first of all, for frail old people who are unable to care for themselves and suffer from dementia. According to statistics, over 20% of older people are diagnosed with dementia. Such people, of course, need to be under the supervision of loved ones or medical workers who can provide the necessary assistance in time.

  • Comfort

Comfort depends on how conveniently the rooms and bathrooms are located, whether there are special handrails in the rooms that allow you to easily move and climb to floors. An equally important aspect is the variety of food that suits the preferences of each guest. During an introductory visit to the establishment, we recommend that you learn about the daily routine and menu. We advise you to choose nursing homes where residents are fed 5-6 times a day.

When choosing a private boarding house, pay attention to the furnishings and interior of the rooms. It’s good when the walls are painted in calm colors and the floor covering does not slip. Paintings on the walls, various panels and other interior items will also not be out of place. The presence of a relaxation area with a TV, comfortable furniture, bookshelves, and tables for board games also plays an important role. An elderly person needs to feel safe and comfortable; he must have the time and desire to participate in conversations, entertainment, and walks.

This whole complex of factors must be taken into account. For most older people, good nutrition and comfortable living conditions are the most essential requirements.

  • Atmosphere

Leisure time in a boarding house plays a significant role. It is worth finding an institution where there are hobby groups, for example, chess, drawing, music, etc. An elderly person needs a positive emotional mood, care, attention and communication with peers. It is for this reason that it is worth paying attention to the general atmosphere of the institution, the friendliness of the employees and the way of life established in the boarding house.

  • Pensioner's health

The facility chosen must be appropriate for the physical capabilities and mental health of older adults. Decide in advance what kind of help your relative needs. For example, if you have problems with independent eating or hygiene procedures, you need to choose homes that provide appropriate personal care. If we are talking about bedridden residents, then it is important for them to have nursing care. People leading an active lifestyle can easily live in boarding house-type institutions.

  • Territory

It is good when a private nursing home occupies the territory of an ecologically clean area, in which there are no noisy roads and industrial enterprises. The best location for the boarding house is in the countryside. A plus will be the presence of a parking zone, as well as maximum proximity to the place of residence of relatives.

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  • Compliance with requirements and regulations

We advise you to take into account the fact that the administration complies with fundamental standards applicable to the equipment of rooms, as well as the availability of specific equipment necessary for the life of elderly people.

RulesCheck what
Fire safety equipmentEach floor of the building should have an evacuation plan, as well as fire extinguishers and a ceiling alarm system.
Availability of a separate room for the kitchenThe food block should have modern equipment and kitchen utensils. Food preparation should be carried out according to a pre-compiled menu and take into account the individual dietary characteristics of each guest.
Dining roomIt should be a separate room with chairs, tables and all the necessary utensils.
LaundrySeparate special room with washing machines and ironing equipment.
Special equipmentaccessible use should include wheelchairs, handrails, elevators, a special bath seat, orthopedic beds, etc.
  • Staff

Try to find out as much as possible about the facility's staff. It is better to give your preference to places where the number of employees is maximum. The level of services provided in the boarding house will be high if the following specialists work there:

- administrator or director in one person;

— supplier who purchases food, household and hygiene supplies;

— medical workers of the highest category;

— sisters and caregivers with appropriate medical education; professional chef;

— nutritionist;

- dishwasher;

- cleaners;

- street cleaner;

- laundress.

An ideal scenario would be the personal participation of an elderly person in choosing a future place of residence. You can show him in advance photographs of the rooms, the yard, and places provided for walking and relaxing. You can also travel with an elderly person and look at several boarding houses together before enrolling him in a specific one. Such measures will allow you to find a truly suitable option.

Procedure for registration in a private nursing home

A private nursing home has its own registration procedure. There are certain requirements for accepting documents and drawing up an agreement on subsequent residence. At a minimum, you must present a passport, insurance policy, or pension certificate. In some institutions, a medical card with tests for HIV and hepatitis is added to this list of documents. Registration and waiting do not take much time, everything goes quickly and efficiently, unlike government agencies.

When concluding an agreement with a private boarding house, make sure that the establishment has a license issued by the state.

Important! An institution receives a license only if all fire safety requirements are met, standards for the quality of services provided to elderly and disabled citizens are met, as well as if there are qualified personnel with specialized education.

There are 3 categories of private nursing homes:

  • elite;
  • standard-plus;
  • standard.

The main guideline for elite boarding houses is Western quality standards. A huge number of medical services are provided here, consultations with doctors of narrow specialties are held, there are specialists and equipment for conducting ECGs, X-rays, etc. Most often, such buildings are located in a park area under security, which keeps order both day and night. There is everything necessary for the comfort and relaxation of older people: ramps, benches, gazebos. Each room has modern technology, functional chairs, and a call button. As a rule, there are five or six meals a day. Of course, living in an institution of such a high level will allow a person to meet old age with dignity and comfort.

A private nursing home of the “standard-plus” category is characterized by the presence of small park areas and comfortable rooms for 2–3 people. The staff cares for the guests, carries out medical procedures, and pays attention to organizing leisure time. The number of meals is 5–6 times a day.

Standard private house rooms are designed for 2–4 people. The pensioner eats small meals, several times a day. This kind of institution provides round-the-clock monitoring and assistance to residents in carrying out hygiene procedures.

Approximate cost of living.

CategoryCost per month
Elitefrom 45,000 to 50,000 rubles
Standard-plusfrom 39,000 to 44,000 rubles
Standardfrom 30,000 to 38,000 rubles

The lower the price for accommodation, the fewer the number of services provided. Common requirements for private homes of all three categories include: daily meals, monitoring of residents around the clock, and examination by a doctor once a day.

Note! The cost of the same services in nursing homes can be completely different. This nuance should be taken into account before making the final choice of a boarding house. It is better to visit several institutions, evaluate all the pros and cons, and during a personal visit make sure that the ratio of quality and price is reasonable.

Boarding houses can provide not only a standard package of services, but also offer guests a number of additional services. This can be all kinds of spa treatments, classes in the gym or swimming pool and much more. All aspects of living in a boarding home for the elderly must be mentioned in the contract.

In a private home for the elderly, pensioners feel cared for, attended to, and feel comfortable being in such a pleasant and cozy environment. To choose a private boarding house, it is worth taking into account the health status of the elderly person and his psychological mood.

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