Replacement of all documents after marriage 2021 public services

  1. How soon after registering a marriage should you replace your passport?
  2. What documents will be required
  3. Where to go (3 ways)
  4. How long does it take to issue a new passport?
  5. Penalty for late replacement

In this article, we will tell you how to replace a passport after marriage, if as a result of its registration there was a change in the surname, when and where to apply on this issue, as well as about administrative liability for untimely replacement.

Marriage in itself cannot serve as a basis for replacing a passport.

The need to replace a passport for a citizen of the Russian Federation occurs when, during marriage registration, the surname of the wife or husband changes.

According to the established tradition in Russia, the marriage of a woman most often entails a change in her surname.

Article 32 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation gives citizens entering into marriage the right to choose:

  • take the surname of one of them as a common surname;
  • everyone to remain in their premarital surname;
  • add the surname of the other spouse to your surname.

Moreover, the last option has 2 limitations:

  1. unless otherwise provided by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (region, territory, autonomous entity);
  2. If the premarital surname of at least one of the spouses is double, then combining surnames is not allowed.

The need to replace a passport in connection with a citizen changing his last name in the prescribed manner (in our case, in connection with marriage) is indicated in paragraph 12 of the “Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.”

How a citizen’s passport is replaced after marriage through State Services in 2021

In the latter case, you will not submit all documents online, but only the completed Form of the established form and scanned photos. After a decision has been made on your issue, a notification will be sent to your email address stating that you need to come with a complete package and a receipt for payment of the state duty to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

IMPORTANT! It should be said that your responsibilities do not end there. You need to collect all the documents that you needed to fill out the form (military ID, document confirming registration, birth certificates of children and yours, which contains information about parents, etc.

. d.). You will need them when you receive a new passport.


There are not so many documents that will be required from you. Moreover, all of them are usually available to the person, that is, they do not need to be “taken” somewhere, standing in queues for many hours, which means that collecting them will take a minimum of time.

Here is their list:

  1. Old passport.
  2. Completed application form.
  3. 2 frontal photographs without headgear, 35x45 mm (the face should occupy 70% of the area).
  4. Birth certificate.
  5. Certificate reflecting the basis for changing the passport:
      about marriage;
  6. about divorce;
  7. about adoption;
  8. about a name change.
  9. A receipt or a copy thereof confirming payment of the state duty.
  10. Documents for making mandatory notes in the passport:
      military ID;
  11. marriage/divorce certificate;
  12. birth certificate of children (up to 14 years);
  13. death certificate (husband or child).

Usually original documents are required. For example, when the surname changes due to marriage, the marriage certificate is taken away while the passport is being prepared. But in essence, it is enough to provide copies, and when submitting documents, present the original to confirm the photocopier version. If you don’t want the original to be taken away (after all, no one is insured against loss), tell the employee that you may need it - at work, study or somewhere else.

How a citizen’s passport is replaced after marriage through State Services

  1. Authorization on the site (entering the login and password that was assigned to the account being used).
  2. Hovering the mouse arrow over the “Service Catalog” (namely pointing, not clicking). A menu pops up with all the possible services of the site.
  3. You must select “Passports, visas, registrations”.
  4. Next, 4 options are offered - click on “Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation”.
  5. The user is asked to select the reason on the basis of which the passport will be replaced - “Replacement of passport in case of change of surname...”.
  6. Information about the service - the user must carefully read about the conditions for receiving the service and the package of documents.
  7. “Get a service” is an active button on the right side of the screen.

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Moreover, the information is indicated precisely in those options that were relevant at the time of marriage. If the mother kept her last name, then it is also listed on the birth certificate. There is no need to present additional documents.

Deadlines for passport replacement

The government in the “Regulations on the Passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation” established an obligation - with a change of surname (for any reason) to exchange the passport for one in which the correct personal data will be entered. It must be completed within 30 days from the date of “acquisition” of a new surname .

So, for girls who have changed to their husband’s surname, 30 days are counted from the wedding day, and for those who decided to “change their name” of their own free will, from the day indicated in the certificate of change of surname.

The deadlines for issuing a passport are also regulated, and they depend on through which authority you decide to issue a new identification document:

  1. if through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then the period is:
      10 days – for those who applied to the authority at the place of registration;
  2. 2 months – at the place of application (but you will have to prove the impossibility of submitting an application at the place of registration).
  3. if through MFC:
      10 days – at the place of registration;
  4. 30 days - in any other Multifunctional Center.
  5. the period for providing the service through the State Services website is 10 days

Replacement of Documents When Changing Last Name After Marriage 2021 State Services

Despite the fact that all information is uploaded electronically, the original documents must be on hand. This is necessary if controversial issues arise when you need to visit the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in person and provide information to the authorities.

Is it possible to change the TIN through State Services?

? Yes, the State Services portal allows you to order and receive a TIN when changing your last name, or, for example, to restore a TIN certificate if it is lost or damaged. However, the user needs to remember:

Is it necessary to do this?

The decision whether to leave the married name or change it in the passport to a “maiden name” is made by every citizen after a divorce completely independently, and the current legislation does not establish any obligations to carry out this operation, regardless of the circumstances.

In the vast majority of cases, it is women who ask such questions for the reason that when registering a marriage relationship, they take on their husband’s surname.

On the one hand, changing your surname always results in various additional hassles associated with replacing documents, but on the other hand, the surname of your ex-husband can constantly remind you of some unpleasant moments, and this is especially true in cases where the divorce was not easy. Regardless of the circumstances, it is best to immediately weigh all the pros and cons of such a procedure as changing your last name.

Sample birth certificate

Changing your last name after marriage: list of documents in 2021

  • Medical policy. If you change your surname after registering your marriage, you will also need to re-issue a medical policy. It, like a foreign passport, does not set clear deadlines for replacement. But the sooner you reissue it, the better. Health can fail at the wrong moment, and treatment without a valid medical policy now results in a whole problem.
  1. Application for change of ID.
  2. Old pension certificate.
  3. Current (new) passport.
  • Driver license. This document is subject to mandatory change. Invalid license is a criminal offence. Rights in the traffic police are changing. For this you will need:
  1. New passport.
  2. Marriage certificate (photocopy of the original).
  3. Medical certificate with a new surname about the state of health. The certificate must contain a note stating that there are no medical contraindications for driving.
  4. Driver's card.
  5. A receipt indicating payment of the state duty.
  6. Old rights.

How soon after registering a marriage should you replace your passport?

In accordance with paragraph 15 of the above Regulations, documents and personal photographs to replace a passport must be submitted no later than 30 days after registration of marriage.

This period is established for all cases of obtaining or replacing a passport.

However, in this case there is a need to do this much faster.

This is due to the fact that the marriage registration stamp affixed by the civil registry office to the passport of the spouse who has changed his surname will indicate that he has been assigned a new surname.

In this regard, his passport under no circumstances can be accepted as an identity document.

We have detailed information about the consequences for an expired passport and whether there are valid reasons for missing the deadline for replacement here.

The procedure for replacing documents when changing your last name after marriage in 2021

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem , contact a consultant:

  • civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • international passport;
  • TIN;
  • certificate of insurance in PS;
  • driver's license;
  • medical insurance;
  • bank accounts and cards that were issued under the old surname;
  • all certificates previously issued under the old surname, but you can exclude diplomas of education, courses completed, etc.
  • work book, if it is already active;
  • car insurance policy.

The procedure for replacing the TIN when changing your last name through State Services in 2021

The TIN must be issued exclusively at the territorial office of the tax authority. It is subject to entry into a special register and is provided to the payer in the form of a document, which must be certified by an official.

The standard production period for the document in question varies from 2 to 5 working days. It is possible to form an additional request to receive a document by registered mail.

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Changing documents after marriage through State Services - step-by-step instructions

  1. Go to the government services portal and log in to the system.
  2. Go to the “Service Catalog” section, select “Passports, registrations, visas. Click on the service for registering data about a new passport.
  3. The user is directed to a menu where it is necessary to indicate the reason for changing the document. There is no “marriage” option, so you should select a change of surname as the reason.
  4. The next page invites the user to review the accompanying important information. Here you should select the “Electronic service” item and click the “Get service” button. On average, it takes no more than 15 minutes to fill out the following forms.
  5. The first form asks the user to provide personal information. Personal data according to standard forms: full name, age, gender, email address and current phone number. The reason for replacing the passport is also indicated here again.
  6. Uploading a photo that meets the service requirements. JPEG, PNG, BMP formats are accepted. The total file weight is no more than 5 MB, the resolution is no less than 300 pixels per 1 inch. The photo will be rated automatically. The system will check the file for compliance and request another image, or offer to continue issuing a new passport. It is recommended to take photographs in a professional studio, where you can ask employees to save the file to a flash drive or other storage device.
  7. Adding information about your passport. Fill in information about the series, number, date of issue and the department where the document was issued. If the user does not have a foreign passport, this item is skipped by selecting the appropriate answer in the form.
  8. Information about marital status and passports issued in other countries. If such documents are available, all requested information should be provided.
  9. Information about family composition. In this form, you must indicate whether the citizen has minor children, and also write down the full names of the parents. If there is no information about any of the parents, you must tick the appropriate boxes.
  10. Before changing your passport online, you should note the type of application. This form is intended to determine where the citizen will receive the document. By place: residence (registration in passport), appeal (no registration), stay (temporary registration issued). If you apply at your place of residence, your passport will be ready within 10 years. For other types of circulation, the production time takes up to 2 months.
  11. Selecting a unit where the citizen can pick up the completed passport. Registration data at the place of residence is automatically used and the nearest branch is suggested. If you need to obtain your passport elsewhere, you can enter the address manually.
  12. The final stage of registration is consent to the processing of personal data and sending completed forms.

Traditionally in Russia, upon marriage, the wife takes the husband's surname. Changing documents after marriage through government services has become a convenient alternative to standard contact with government agencies. Women who changed their last name due to marriage are required to obtain new personal documents. The period for replacing a passport is 1 month.

What documents will be required

To replace your passport due to a change of surname when registering a marriage, you will need the following documents:

  1. Application for issue (replacement) of a passport the established form (Form No. 1P), filled out by hand or typewritten.

    The application indicates the new surname assigned during marriage registration.

    Forms and applications for the issuance (replacement) of a passport, samples of their completion, as well as step-by-step instructions for filling out the application, you can see here.

    We attach a sample of filling out an application in connection with marriage to this article.

  2. Passport to be replaced.
  3. Two personal photos 35x45 mm in size, meeting the established requirements.

    If you need to obtain a temporary identity card while you are issuing a new passport, you must submit 3 photographs.

  4. Receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 300 rubles or details of this receipt.

    You can find out the details for your region and generate a receipt on the website guvm.mvd.rf (select “Citizens of Russia” - “Receipts for payment of state duty" - “State fee for issuing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - 300 rubles.”)

    You can also pay the receipt through “Sberbank online” (“Transfers and payments” - “Payment for purchases and services” (in your region) - “State traffic police, taxes, duties, budget payments" - “Ministry of Internal Affairs” - “State Directorate for Migration Issues” (according to your region)". Select)

    You will find a complete overview of useful services that will allow you to pay state fees quickly and without commission in this article.

  5. Marriage registration certificate , which is a document confirming the basis for replacing the passport.
  6. Documents required for stamping your passport:
      military registration documents (if there is an appropriate basis).
  7. birth certificates of children - citizens of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age (if available).

Where to go

Currently, there are 3 ways to apply for a passport replacement in connection with marriage:

  1. Direct contact to the migration department on the established days and hours of reception of citizens.

    Reception schedule:

      Monday – from 9.00 to 15.00 (if it is not a day off)
  2. Tuesday – from 15.00 to 20.00
  3. Wednesday – from 9.00 to 13.00
  4. Thursday – from 15.00 to 20.00
  5. Friday – from 9.00 to 15.00
  6. Saturday – from 8.00 to 13.00 (if it is not a day off)
  7. Depending on the circumstances, you can apply either to the unit in whose service territory you are registered at your place of residence or place of stay, or to the unit in whose territory you live but do not have any registration (at the place of application).

    When making a decision to apply to one or another unit, it is necessary to keep in mind the deadlines for obtaining a passport: at the place of residence, at the place of stay and at the place of application.

    We will tell you about the deadlines for obtaining a passport below.

  8. Submission of documents for passport registration to officials of multifunctional centers for the provision of government (multifunctional) services (MFC), who within 3 days transfer the accepted documents, application and personal photographs to the migration department for passport registration.

    It should be taken into account that documents for replacing a passport from citizens can be accepted by employees of multifunctional centers no later than 30 days after changing the surname when registering a marriage.

  9. An application for a replacement passport and a personal photograph of the applicant can be submitted by the citizen in the form of an electronic document.

    On the unified portal of state and municipal services:

    On the website of guvm.mvd.rf:

Regardless of the method of submitting documents, the issued passport will be issued by employees of the migration department.

How long does it take to issue a new passport?

The period for issuing a new passport when replacing it due to marriage depends on which migration department is issuing this passport:

  1. The migration department in whose service territory the applicant permanently resides and is registered at the place of residence issues a passport within 10 days from the date of acceptance of the documents.
  2. The migration department not at the applicant’s place of residence (at the place of stay, at the place of application) issues a new passport within 30 days .

During the period of registration of a new passport, the applicant, at his request, may be issued a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

If the procedure for issuing a new passport is delayed, you can file a complaint through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (find out how to do this).

Fine for late replacement of passport

If a Russian citizen who got married and therefore changed his last name does not apply in a timely manner, that is, within 30 days, to replace his passport, then he may be brought to administrative liability under Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

For living with an invalid passport, this article provides for administrative liability in the form of a fine in the amount of two to three thousand rubles .

The same violation committed in the federal cities of Moscow or St. Petersburg entails a fine of three to five thousand rubles .

A fine for an expired passport is a very unpleasant moment, so we have prepared material that will help you avoid the unpleasant moments associated with being held administratively liable and paying a fine for a lately replaced passport (you can read it here).
Download for free and without registration

Form 1P - replacement after marriage registrationsample2016-12-10 14:51

Replacement of documents at the MFC: after marriage and change of surname

The law of the Russian Federation allows a person who has reached the age of fourteen to change their surname. It is worth considering that it is not always possible to change your last name on a whim; there are approved cases in which a Russian citizen can receive this service:

  1. The child must be 14 years old, otherwise the procedure can only be carried out by decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  2. If the child is already 10 years old, then his consent is required.

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For late submission of an application, there is a fine prescribed in the Code of the Russian Federation in article 19.15. A citizen who fails to submit an application to the passport office or other institution thirty days from the date of marriage will be fined.

In the regions, the amount of the fine is up to 3,000 rubles inclusive, in cities with federal status - up to 5,000 rubles inclusive. The amount is not fixed, but does not exceed the specified amount. If a citizen has a valid reason for delay, he will have to provide evidence.

If the delay was insignificant, the corresponding state. the authority has the right not to charge a fine depending on how many days it was. But this is not his responsibility, and everything depends on the specific authority.

How to change your last name on State Services after marriage in your personal account? 2021

The certificate can be obtained 1 hour after completing the application on the State Services website. Important: from the moment the last name is changed, the driver’s license is considered invalid. Here, as with SNILS, the taxpayer number itself will not change, but it will be tied to the new surname.

By law, you cannot take the name of an idol, political figure, or the name of a city or product. It is forbidden. If you want to change the data based on astrological forecasts or the advice of a numerologist, a preventive conversation is held. But often representatives of the civil registry office go to meet the client and complete the registration.

What documents need to be changed in connection with marriage?

An application to replace the TIN certificate due to a change of surname is submitted to the Federal Tax Service inspection at your place of residence. The deadline for producing a new document is not established by law. From the moment it is received, the old certificate is invalid.

Driver's licenses containing outdated data are also subject to change. In addition, when using an invalid license, the driver is subject to a fine of 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Application for water change. rights are submitted to the traffic police by contacting the MFC or sending documents through the State Services service. You will not have to take the exams again. The required documents attached to the application are:

Replacement procedure

Changing a passport after marriage is no different from that due to a change in appearance or reaching the age of twenty and forty-five. To complete the procedure, you need to personally visit the appropriate department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Federal Migration Service, also known as the “passport office”) and submit an application for change, filled out in accordance with the standard form, attaching a package of necessary documents. This can be done both at the place of registration and at the place of stay.

You can submit your application in other ways:

  • Through the MFC branch. The procedure is no different from filing an application through the Federal Migration Service, but if not at the place of permanent registration, the period may increase slightly. The MFC does not deliver to the passport office immediately after receipt, so the delay may be two to three days. In this case, no fine is imposed, since the time is counted from the moment the questionnaire is submitted;
  • Through the “State Services” portal , filling out an electronic form and indicating the desired date. After sending it, the corresponding department of the Main Directorate for Migration will accept it for processing. At the same time, on the day of collection, it is important not to forget the originals and copies of all the documents required for issuance.

The time allotted to the authorities for issuing an identity card with updated information corresponds to that for a standard replacement:

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5 481

  • When the applicant submits an application at the place of residence or permanent registration, the issuance period is 10 calendar days;
  • Having submitted it at the place of residence, the citizen can expect that the Department of Migration will issue a passport with updated information within 30 calendar days, starting from the day the package is submitted. This period is counted from the moment the application is submitted.

State duty

State size The fee when replacing an identity card due to marriage does not differ from the usual one and is 300 rubles. When submitting an application, you must attach a receipt confirming payment of the state fee to the remaining documents.

If the procedure is completed through “State Services”, then the required amount can be paid remotely. You can also issue a receipt through the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

After marriage you need to change all documents 2021

The state fee for replacing a passport is 300 rubles. The document is changed within no more than 10 working days from the date of submission of documents if the applicant applied to the Federal Migration Service at the place of registration, and up to 30 days if the documents were submitted to another department of the Department of Migration. We warn you: if the passport replacement is not made on time, the old passport will be invalid. Accordingly, if you try to use it, a fine may be imposed - from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles; and for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles (Article 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

A new driver's license is issued on the day of application, except in cases provided for by the legislator. Vehicle Registration Certificate The plastic pink certificate that every driver is required to carry with them is also subject to replacement.

Documents for the apartment

Title documents for the apartment

The law does not provide for the obligation to re-register documents for an apartment when the surname of the copyright holder changes. In subsequent transactions, a document confirming the change of surname is sent for registration of the transaction along with other documents in order to avoid suspension and subsequent refusal of registration10. If you wish, you can submit information about the change of surname to the Unified Register of Real Estate Rights in advance.

Registration documents at the place of residence

The law does not provide for the procedure for making changes to registration documents, including the house register, in connection with a change of surname11. This usually happens automatically when you replace your passport. There is no liability for failure to make changes. If questions arise, a change of surname can be confirmed with a marriage certificate or similar document.

Documents related to housing and communal services

Legislation and standard contracts for the supply of energy resources do not provide for the obligation to notify a change of name of the management organization, the board of a partnership or cooperative (hereinafter referred to as the management company). However, the owner of the residential premises should still check the contract. It may stipulate the obligation to notify the management company about a change in surname, the procedure for such notification (term, list of documents) and the consequences of violating this condition. This is due to the fact that management companies must provide resource supply organizations with information about a change in the owner’s last name no later than 10 working days from the date of its change12.

Methods for replacing documents when changing your last name after marriage

  1. Log in to your personal account. The page must be confirmed, otherwise the service will not be available;
  2. In the list of available ;
  3. It is possible to issue a new sample document (cost 2450 rubles) and an old sample document (cost 1400 rubles). In the first case, the passport is valid for 10 years, in the second – five years.
  4. In the application you indicate the necessary information: details of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, old international passport;
  5. Upload a 3x4 photo;
  6. Wait for the results of the application verification, then pay the state fee in the prescribed amount through the website;
  7. Pick up your completed international passport at the local branch of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Now more and more people are choosing to replace their passport online using their personal State Services account. It should be noted that the service is available only to verified account holders.

Important points

After marriage, a woman has a thirty-day period during which she must change her identity document, otherwise she will face a fine.

Despite the fact that the procedure for changing a passport is quite easy, it has its own unique features and nuances.

Moreover, many citizens know the answer to the question “where can you change your passport after marriage in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.” In this regard, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.

Main concepts

Basic concepts and terms related to the topic under consideration and used in the article are presented in the table:

PassportThe main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving his identity
Passport replacementReplacing an identity document based on a citizen reaching 20 or 45 years of age or changing his last name, first name or patronymic
MarriageA family union between a man and a woman, registered in the civil registry office of residents of the Russian Federation (registry office)
Public servicesAn Internet portal that provides the opportunity to use a variety of government services online
Multifunctional CenterA state organization that allows citizens to use various social and municipal services in a “one window”

For what purpose is it done?

There is only one purpose for replacing a citizen's main identity document after marriage. This is a change of a woman's last name.

Based on the provisions of the family code of our state, when concluding a marriage, a man and a woman have the right to change their surnames.

In situations where they have been changed, a replacement passport is required. Otherwise, replacement of the document is not required. The passports of both parties to the union are simply stamped with a seal about the marriage.

Legal regulation

The issues discussed in the proposed article are regulated and regulated by the following legislative acts:

Article 32 of the Family Code of the Russian FederationDetermines the rights of citizens to change their surname when concluding a marriage between themselves
Section 15 of the regulations of the government of our state, adopted on July 8, 2997Determines the punishment for violating the deadlines for replacing a passport
Art. 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation The amount of the fine for late replacement of a passport in various regions of our state is determined
27th paragraph of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal AffairsDetermines the period allotted for replacing a passport in the event of a change in the personal data of citizens
10th paragraph of the state regulations on the passport of citizens of the Russian FederationEstablishes institutions with authority to replace identification documents
38th paragraph of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian FederationDefines requirements for photographs of citizens that are used in their passports
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