What is the best age to get married?

At what age is it better to get married?

Many men wonder at what age is the best time to get married. After all, life goes on, and sooner or later every young person begins to have such thoughts. But before you answer this question, you should ask yourself another: “Do I really want to get married? What will this bring me? After all, a significant part of guys get married because the girl wants it, or because relatives put pressure on them. In general, anything can happen, but not your own desire.

After all, oddly enough, marriage is practically useless for a man. It does not provide any benefits, except for one thing: in the event of the death of one of the spouses, the other receives the property. Otherwise, if the couple is not officially married, the property goes to the closest relatives of the deceased. A man has the same rights and responsibilities towards his children, regardless of whether he is married to a woman or not. The same situation applies to everything else. Roughly speaking, you can live with a woman, have children, and it will be no different for a man compared to when he has a stamp in his passport.

Women need marriage, because they get much more benefits from it compared to men. But this is a topic for another article.

Optimal age for a man to get married

So, if you still ask the question “at what age is it better to get married?”, then the answer will be as follows.

It is better for a man to get married between 28 and 40 years old. And that's why.

At the age of 18-28, the guy is still young, the energy inside is simply boiling. Including sexy. Therefore, there is a strong craving for everything new, for experiments, for gaining experience. Getting married at this age is too reckless. After a couple of years have passed, you realize that marriage is for the rest of your life. Accordingly, you are obliged to be faithful to your woman. And due to your young age and a lot of energy, you will again have a great desire to meet and seduce other women. You can, of course, change it. But what is the point of marriage then?

Moreover, in order to start a family, a man must still get on his feet. Be able to provide for your children, too. This process takes time. Typically, a person begins to have real financial opportunities closer to the age of 30.

By this age, you will have walked around enough and gained experience. And most importantly, you will understand exactly what kind of woman you need for a stable, calm and long-term relationship. You will also understand exactly what qualities you want to see in her, and which ones you cannot put up with.

Another plus for men: if a girl has the greatest value before 25 years old. Because its main advantages are youth, health and beauty. What is of greatest value in a man is his character, life experience, ability to earn money, and ability to solve complex life issues. For him, appearance is of secondary importance. Accordingly, over the years, until the age of 40, a man only gains value for women.

It's time for couples: at what age is it better to get married?

The public received the recent news about the marriage of Boris Nemtsov's 18-year-old daughter Diana with ambiguity. Some were glad that the heiress of a famous family had already found family happiness. Others complained about getting married too early. Whatever one may say, today many 18-year-old young ladies, unlike their mothers and grandmothers, are in no hurry to go to the registry office.

Many representatives of the fairer sex prefer to start a family by the age of 30–33, or even later.

At what age is it still better to get married?

From 18 to 25 years old


1. Freshness and brightness of feelings. Early marriages are often the “fruits” of first love, and, as you know, it is the brightest. It is at this age that girls most often marry for great and bright love.

2. At a young age, the psyche is more flexible. The characters of the young spouses have not yet been fully formed. They did not have time to acquire stable habits and an established way of life, which would be difficult to change. And therefore it is easier for them to adapt to each other.

3. There is no experience of single life, which leaves an imprint on character, forms “bachelor” habits and can become an obstacle in marriage.

4. Many girls at this age are more inclined to subordinate their lives to serving family values ​​rather than building a career. But then, when the child grows up a little, they can focus on social fulfillment, which will no longer need to be interrupted by maternity leave.

5. And, finally, at this age there is a greater chance of giving birth to a healthy child.


1. Infantile approach to marriage. Often young girls, with the help of marriage, are simply trying to solve some personal problems - to prove to others that they are in demand, to gain independence, to get rid of parental control, to annoy their ex-boyfriend, etc. It is clear that with this approach the marriage is unlikely to last long.

2. Psychological immaturity. Girls at this age are led by external manifestations, without thinking at all about what lies behind them. That’s why they often fall in love with rollicking jokers or “bad guys,” who seem to them the embodiment of masculinity and strength. However, such specimens, as we have already written, are not very suitable for family life.

3. Often, ordinary falling in love is mistaken for a great feeling. The chosen one seems to be the focus of all the virtues in the world. And when the rose-colored glasses fall off, it turns out that he has shortcomings that the young wife is not ready to put up with.

4. Lack of life experience. Girls at this age have little idea of ​​what a man needs. Not ready to adapt or compromise. Often they simply do not know how to understand and feel a man.

5. Lack of household skills. Young women, who just yesterday fluttered out of their parents' nest, often find themselves unprepared for the everyday routine and perceive the responsibilities that have fallen on them as a disaster.

6. The intimate life of spouses may suffer due to the inexperience of both parties. Moreover, at this age, female sexuality is not yet particularly formed.

7. If a woman got married early and gave birth to a child, it may later be difficult for her to realize herself socially. Since she has practically (and sometimes completely) no work experience.

From 25 to 35


1. A woman is already able to distinguish infatuation from serious feelings.

2. Everyday experience appears, under the influence of which women’s priorities change. Now they are attracted to men who are less self-obsessed, but who are able to understand and support.

3. As a rule, by the age of thirty, a woman has a stable job and experience, which also make the fairer sex less dependent on her chosen one.

4. Women at this age give birth quite consciously. In addition, thanks to their experience, it is easier for them to find work after maternity leave (some even return to their previous positions).

5. Experts say that it is at the age of thirty that women reach the peak of sexual activity. By this age, most ladies already know a lot about bed relationships, and in this regard it is easier for them to achieve harmony with their chosen one.


1. Both adult spouses consider themselves too independent and independent to get used to each other and seek compromises on trifles. It is from these little things that major scandals begin.

2. During her single life, a woman acquires a number of persistent habits, her home becomes her fortress. And the appearance of a stranger in this fortress at first can cause panic.

3. Due to a long free life, many women do not have the skill to take into account the desires and habits of another person.

4. By this time, both the man and the woman have time to acquire a certain past. And sometimes it’s not easy to get used to it. Moreover, it will often remind you of itself. For example, in the form of the husband's children from a previous marriage.

5. Often women at this age get married without having any special feelings for their chosen one, under the pressure of stereotypes - you don’t want to be considered an old maid, it’s time to have a child, but it’s still better to raise him in a full family. But with this approach, marriages break up quite quickly.

6. Becoming a mother at this age is already a little more difficult. Yes, and it’s not easy to decide on this. A woman may no longer want to change her usual lifestyle.

At what age is it better for a woman to get married?

Every woman knows that age is of great importance. Throughout her life, age literally haunts a woman. At first, the girl wants to grow up to become an adult, and as she matures, she begins to hide her age. The headache of many women is often the question: “When is it better to get married: early or later?”

Historical facts show that in many countries girls got married at 13-14 years old. Moreover, in most cases, the marriage was determined and decided by the parents, and their children could not change anything at all. Sometimes even the bride and groom did not know each other before the wedding and had never even seen each other, but if the parents needed this marriage, then it took place.

But, according to ancient Russian laws and customs, it was possible to get married at the age of 15, and to get married at the age of 12. Upon reaching marriageable age, the boy’s parents began searching for a bride. Having found her, they sent matchmakers from among their friends or acquaintances to the girl’s parents or relatives to find out whether they wanted to marry her off and how much dowry they would give for her. If the girl’s relatives did not want to marry the girl to this person, they would make some excuse and refuse. But if they said that they would think about it and then give an answer, consent to the marriage was received. Psychologist's advice

“It is impossible to indicate the age when exactly a person is ready for a family relationship, since it occurs differently for everyone. Some people at 16 are already established individuals, while others at 40 are “mama’s” children. Most psychologists note that it is best to get married when such important conditions as:

- the girl is already old enough to appreciate the happiness of the family and be ready to take care not only of herself, but also of her husband, and later of the child;

— the girl has found a worthy chosen one, with whom she feels so united that she gains confidence that she will be by his side in any life situation. Confidence in your partner and that he will not leave or betray you is also important; In general, it is better to start a family only when you yourself are a formed and self-sufficient person. Then the relationship can bring further development and happiness, and not remorse, regret and even personality degradation.

Reasons why women most often get married

  1. Money situation;
  2. Pregnancy;
  3. Revenge on your ex;
  4. The parents insisted;
  5. For the sake of principle or why am I worse?

Now let's go through these points in a little more detail; you will probably recognize one of your friends or girlfriends in them.

  • Money. Many girls marry not the man himself, but his “wallet”; they want a beautiful life, but, alas, this often becomes a “golden cage” for themselves. Marriages most often break up very quickly.
  • On arrival. A very common situation is when a girl becomes pregnant and does not want to give birth to a child out of wedlock in order to skip the procedure for adopting her own child. If the pregnancy occurs in love, then the marriages are often very strong, and if they are on the other side, then the application for divorce goes to the registry office quite quickly.
  • Marriage for revenge on the ex. Interesting, but it occurs when a girl loves her man for a very long time, and then he leaves her, and she is ready to go out to the first person she meets to show her ex that he lost a lot by leaving her.
  • Parents' insistence. Often parents themselves are looking for a spouse for their daughter, and if she is frivolous and blindly trusts her parents, she will succumb to their will and marry an unloved man or a person practically unknown to her, only because her parents said so.
  • Why am I worse? When all your friends begin to get married one by one and have children, you definitely want to be in their place, but wait and think about whether you need it for show and do the right thing!

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