We draw up a Certificate of Acceptance and Delivery (transfer) of the work performed (according to the sample)


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Customer _______________________________ Form No. 2 Contractor ______________________________ Contract No. ____ dated _____________ 20__ Submitted monthly to the financing branch of Prombank with an invoice for work completion Object _________________________ ACT NO. _______ ABOUT ACCEPTANCE OF WORK The full estimated cost of the facility for ________________ 20__ months ________________________________ Cost of work performed from the start of construction, in estimated prices (without including work under this act) —————————————— ———————————— No.¦ Title of work ¦NNo. unit¦ Unit ¦ Work completed according to item ¦ ¦ calculation. ¦dimensions+——————————- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦Quantity¦ Price ¦ Cost ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ———————————————————— —————

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A competent sample act in 2021

If your knowledge is sufficient to correctly format and compile a document and you only need up-to-date forms, then this collection is for you. You will be right if right now you download and fill out a simple sample form (2021) in word format yourself, or according to the proposed template (example).

Acceptance certificate for completed work (download a blank form for free)

Certificate of completion of work (completed sample) A good example is below on the page ↓

Sample of a reasoned refusal to accept work (completed) Example below ↓

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Legal side

It is advisable to draw up a certificate of work performed, but from the point of view of the current law, it is not always necessary. There are several cases when the transfer of completed work or an object must necessarily be accompanied by the preparation of the specified paper. For example,

  • Based on Article 753 of the Civil Code, when handing over work under a construction contract, the need to draw up an act is reflected in the fourth paragraph of the article.

The legislation does not strictly regulate how the paper should look, but again there is an exception: when commissioning capital construction projects, it is necessary to draw up an act on the basis of a unified, standard form No. KS-2.

Please note that the measurement of a business transaction in this form is made in rubles, so foreign currency cannot be indicated in the form. The paper is signed by representatives of the parties vested with the necessary powers for this purpose.

In general cases, the document is drawn up on the basis of an agreement completed and accepted by the parties, which takes into account the form of delivery and acceptance of completed work, taking into account intermediate stages. If there is no such agreement, then the regulatory authorities either recognize that it was concluded orally. In this case, it makes no sense to draw up such an act, since it is not possible to confirm their volume and detail.

What functions does the act perform? For example, it serves as the basis for:

  • Full or partial recording of completed work.
  • Serves as a primary document and the basis for transferring funds to the contractor’s account: payment for either completed work or part of it;
  • Reflections of completed operations in the tax and accounting records of the enterprise.

Let us repeat once again that the agreement fixes the fulfillment of certain obligations by the parties. The act, accordingly, records the fact of fulfillment of these obligations by one party (the Contractor), and agreement with their fulfillment on the other side (the Customer).

How often does the management company need to draw up a work acceptance certificate?

The frequency of drawing up AVR according to Order No. 761/pr is not established in regulatory documents. The procedure for activating work can be approved in the house management agreement, for example, once a year, every six months, quarterly, monthly.

If the MKD management agreement does not specify the frequency of work activation, AVRs must be drawn up at least once a year, because this corresponds to the work planning horizon of the Criminal Code (416 RF PP, 491 RF PP, Art. 162 RF LC).

Considering that routine repair work is carried out periodically and is essentially a contract (Article 753 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), they can be activated separately as they are completed.

According to Part 11 of Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, annually during the first quarter of the current year, the management organization submits to the owners of the premises a report on the implementation of the management agreement for the previous year. From this we can conclude that the actuation of work must be done before the preparation of the annual report, which should contain the work already accepted.

Conclusion No. 2: The frequency of drawing up an AVR once a year does not contradict current legislation, but it may be more often under the terms of the management agreement. The AVR should precede the annual management report.

Unified or free form (2021)

As we said above, there is no unified form that should be followed when drawing up an act, except for the only case indicated in the gap paragraph (KS-2). This does not mean that the form can be filled out the way you want, because there are certain requirements for the preparation of this type of document that must be observed.

As a rule, the paper is drawn up in two copies: one for the contractor, the other for the customer. Both copies, of course, have equal legal force, and in case of disagreement, both parties can appeal with a signed act, if the situation so warrants.

Items and descriptions of completed tasks should be located one after another in the form of a list. The customer must evaluate each such point: either agree with its results, or recognize it as unfulfilled or performed in bad faith.

The following information must be indicated in the acceptance form:

  • A serial number so that the paper can be recorded in the accounting registers.
  • It is imperative to indicate the date of preparation of the document and, if the customer sets additional time or a deadline, then this must also be reflected in the paper, indicating the place where the acceptance date will be indicated.
  • The form must contain a link to the agreement concluded between the customer and the contractor. To do this, it is worth indicating the details of this agreement in the act.
  • The act should indicate, as we have already said, a specific list of work performed by the contractor. But you should not neglect the material side of the issue: all the nuances should also be reflected. For example, if we are talking about construction, it is necessary to indicate what materials are used, in what quantities, and who pays for them. The same applies to components and contract work related to maintenance. This will not only help reflect the amount of financial responsibility, but will also help avoid questions from regulatory authorities (for example, the tax inspectorate). Be sure to reflect the unit of measure of the work performed and the total quantity.
  • You must indicate the total cost of the object including value added tax.
  • You must provide the details of the parties to the agreement: the customer and the contractor, including their full name.
  • Finally, the document must be certified by the signatures and seals of the parties. If the parties are individuals, then there is no need to affix stamps, since the transaction being carried out belongs to the category of civil law.

The act can be drawn up without reflecting the value added tax, i.e. without VAT if:

  1. The Contractor is not a taxpayer of the Russian Federation;
  2. The operation performed is not subject to value added tax;
  3. The territory of the Russian Federation is not recognized as the place of sale (Article 148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Most Popular Acts

There is a huge amount of work related to the construction industry. Acts are drawn up for almost each of them. The most common include:

Certificate of completed installation work

The concept of installation can be used in absolutely any area of ​​construction. These can be capital structures, equipment, etc. That is why, when drawing up such a document, it will be necessary to clarify what kind of installation we are talking about.

Certificate of completed furniture assembly work

As a rule, when selling cabinets, kitchens and other furniture, salon employees also provide assembly services. After completing such work, a corresponding act is drawn up. This document will confirm that the furniture was indeed assembled properly, so the customer must pay for this service.

Certificate of control measurement of completed work

If we are talking about construction projects of national importance, then the statistics here are extremely sad. They say that there is a so-called attribution of work that was not actually completed. In some cases, up to 40 percent of the total volume is attributed. To prevent such fraud, in addition to the document on the work performed, a control measurement report is drawn up. Below you can download a suitable form that can be used by both individuals and organizations.

Acceptance certificate for completed apartment renovation work

This document may contain references to so-called interim acts. In fact, this act is considered the last, and after its preparation the parties begin to make a full settlement, of course, if there are no complaints about the executor. The title of this document speaks for itself. Here the customer indicates that he checked the work performed, he was completely satisfied with it, and he is ready to make payment.

Certificate of completed plumbing work

Many people mistakenly believe that new buildings will not need plumbing services for many years. However, in practice everything is completely different. Even new homes have leaks and other problems. In most cases, this is due to poor quality plumbing equipment. There is no need to talk about old buildings; here the need for plumbing work arises almost every year. Water heaters, washing machines, pumping stations, plumbing. All this has to be installed, dismantled, connected. Naturally, without certain knowledge and skills it is impossible to perform this work efficiently. Therefore, you have to turn to professional plumbers. After completion of the work, a corresponding act is drawn up, which describes its characteristics in detail.

Certificate of completed work on installation of PVC windows/windows

Modern window designs are complex systems, the installation of which is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is unlikely that without proper experience you can install PVC windows yourself. That is why, when ordering such products, installers are usually ordered. As a rule, the document contains detailed information about the work performed. For example, it is not just the installation of the window that is indicated, but ebbs, window sills, slopes and other related elements are specified if their installation has been completed. The act states that the customer received installed windows, the quality of which has no complaints.

Certificate of completed work by an electrician

From the title of the document it is clear that the work will be related to electricity. Without special permission and certain experience, it is strictly prohibited to perform such work. An electrician can provide such services not only to organizations, but also to individuals. In such a situation, VAT is not indicated in the document and stamps are not affixed. Also, other standard fields that are not necessary are removed from the KS-2 form.

Certificate of completed design work

You need to understand that design can be different. Ventilation systems, fire alarms and other systems are used everywhere. They are installed both in large companies and in small shops. Typically, the supplier company provides installers who have licenses and approvals.

Certificate of completed electrical installation work

As is the case with the execution of other acts, the work that the customer must accept and pay for must be clearly stated here.

Certificate of completion of finishing works

To carry out work of this kind there is no urgent need to have special education. Of course, if the customer contacts a specialized company, he will be provided with qualified specialists. But such services are often provided by private individuals. In any case, it is recommended to draw up this act, thanks to which the contractor can count on receiving payment. The concept of “finishing work” implies the performance of various actions. This could be the installation of MDF panels, the application of plaster and any other coating, and some restoration work. Everything that was done is indicated in the act. Often during major repairs, interim acts are drawn up. For example, the performer plastered the walls. A document is drawn up indicating only this work. After receiving payment, the worker begins finishing the floor.

Certificate of completed repair work

It is believed that such a document is not suitable for registration of repair work in an office or apartment. It is mainly used in manufacturing plants. Thus, the organization acts as the customer. The form of this act must indicate all the necessary details relating to the legal entity.

Certificate of completed work on the repair of the entrance

It does not matter who exactly will perform such actions. Typically, driveway work is minor. As a rule, they are completed quite quickly, which eliminates the need to divide them into several stages and draw up intermediate acts.

Certificate of completed work on installation of suspended ceilings

Almost every modern renovation involves the use of suspended ceilings. Quality and practicality are the main advantages of this material. The popularity of suspended ceilings has led to the fact that installing them is not a cheap pleasure. But you need to know about some nuances. For example, sellers often lure products with long service life. After installation, a corresponding certificate is drawn up, which must be carefully studied by the customer. The fact is that two warranty periods are usually indicated here. After all, the warranty on the canvas can reach twenty years. And the work itself is only one year. You just need to be aware of this when signing the deed.

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Important points when signing a document

By signing the document, the contractor declares that he has completed the tasks assigned to him and is ready to hand over the completed work, and the customer agrees with their implementation. In other words, by affixing signatures the parties waive mutual claims.

The document is signed upon completion of the procedure for transferring completed tasks under the contract. This operation, in turn, is carried out when the performer declares that all the tasks assigned to him have been completed.

The paper is drawn up in two copies, each of which must contain signatures, transcripts and seals of the parties. After this, both copies acquire equal legal force.

General information

The contract is prepared after the contractor completes his obligations. The contractor delivers the finished object, and the customer accepts it. The protocol confirms this procedure.

This document does not have independent legal force. It comes as an appendix to a number of other documents - mainly to the contract. It contains all the necessary information on the cooperation carried out. In addition, it is the contract that serves as the basis for monetary settlement with the contractor. For each individual case there is a special form of the acceptance certificate:

  • by quantity or quality of cargo;
  • acceptance of technical equipment;
  • acceptance of a construction site, etc.

The acceptance certificate sheet will be visual evidence in legal proceedings. You must approach filling out the paper with all attention and responsibility. In case of claims, this information will help you win the lawsuit. Control of paperwork is assigned to the relevant government agencies.

If the client is dissatisfied with the result, this must also be included in the acceptance certificate template. However, claims must be justified. For example, there may be a discrepancy with the original design. After specifically identifying the shortcomings, methods for eliminating them should be prescribed and deadlines for new work should be set.

Changes in the act

Imagine that the act has already been drawn up, the work has been fully or partially accepted, but! financial discrepancies appeared on certain items. In this case, with mutual consent, you can change their value indicated in the document.

To do this, an additional adjustment report must be drawn up, which will indicate the following data:

  • Numbers and dates indicated in the original documents;
  • Change in the price of work performed up or down. It is imperative to refer to the condition due to which the change occurred (for example, after the act was signed by the customer, a defect was identified that must be eliminated);
  • The cost of completing the assigned tasks, taking into account all changes.

Signing of the document by the customer's representative serves as the basis for calculation, reflection in accounting and tax accounting and changes in the amounts of value added tax relative to the data previously reflected in the accounting registers.


At the top of the paper is the name of the company for which the goods were delivered, as well as the city of origin and date. The director also signs here as approval of the document.

Then they write down in detail:

  • Address of the company and the actual place of receipt of goods (opening of packaging, etc.).
  • Start time and end time of acceptance.
  • Composition of the acceptance committee. The full name of each member and chairman, their positions and place of work (in the host company) must be indicated.
  • Details of the supplier's representative: full name, position, organization represented. In addition, you need to indicate on the basis of which document it is acting (power of attorney, certificate).


To the customer

If during the inspection the customer finds out that the work was performed in bad faith, the relevant information is recorded in the document. The customer may demand that all problems that have arisen be eliminated and all shortcomings eliminated. After all the shortcomings have been eliminated, a new act is drawn up, which the parties sign if consensus is reached.

The party representing the interests of the customer has the right not to sign the act if the identified deficiencies cannot be corrected. According to the Civil Code, such deficiencies include either those that make it impossible to operate the leased facility for its intended purpose, or those deficiencies the elimination of which could entail serious financial losses. It is worth noting that refusal to sign the work completion certificate must be in writing. This will provide legal protection for the customer who is dissatisfied with the result of the work.

To the performer

Note! If the customer refuses to sign the act, but the contractor has completed the work specified in the contract in full, on time and with full responsibility, then the act can be signed unilaterally.

In this scenario, it is important for the performer not to make mistakes in his actions:

  • He needs to send a copy of the act and a written message about the need to accept work.
  • The paper must be certified by the signature of the person representing the interests of the performer.
  • Documents must be sent by registered mail with return receipt requested.

But what to do if the customer ignores the actions of the contractor? In this case, a mark is placed on the form indicating that the customer evaded signing. After this, you can try to negotiate with the latter again and, if there is no success, apply to the judicial authorities with an appropriate claim. There is no other way in this situation.

Should the management company provide certificates of completed work?

The specified Order is mandatory for execution by management organizations, because the need for this act was provided for in clause 9 of the Rules for the provision of services and performance of work, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2013 No. 290 “On the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of apartment buildings, and the procedure for their provision and implementation” ( hereinafter RF PP No. 290). The act according to Order No. 761/pr (hereinafter referred to as AVR) is an integral part of the technical documentation of the house.

Registration of the act, features

As for the design, there are no special subtleties here either - for the act you can take an ordinary sheet of paper or a form with company details and the company logo. The act can also be printed or handwritten - this does not play any role in determining its legality

It is recommended to write the act in at least two copies identical in content and equivalent in law - one for each of the parties involved in the installation work (customer and contractor), but if there is a third party, then the act should be duplicated, all copies properly certified.

The generated form is subject to mandatory storage for the period specified in the local papers of the enterprise or prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation, and only after its validity period has expired can the document be disposed of (but not earlier than the limitation period under the contract expires).

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