What fine will you have to pay if the child is not registered within the prescribed period?

Every citizen located on the territory of Russia is required to register at the address of his temporary or permanent location. Minor children are no exception. Responsibility for registering a child after birth lies with their legal representatives or parents. When determining the legal deadlines and methods for registering minor children, their parents must be guided by the following laws:

Good to know

Parents and children will not be held responsible for violating registration rules if mom and dad were registered in this living space. A birth certificate must be provided as proof of relationship.

  • Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which determines the place of residence and registration of the child with his parents;
  • Article 65 of the RF IC, which resolves the issue of the child’s place of residence when the parents live separately;
  • clause 28 of the “Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation”, which approves the list of documents required for registering a child;

According to these regulations, the child must be registered at the place of his residence or stay. Otherwise, you will have to find out what fine, if the child is not registered, will be imposed on the parents or other legal representatives of the child. We discuss the question of when a newborn should be registered in detail here.

When should a newborn child be registered - legislative framework

Do I need to register a newborn baby?

According to a number of laws, all citizens in our country are required to be “tied” to some kind of home.

The registration system allows the migration service authorities to control the movements and part of the residence of Russian residents, and other government agencies to contact them at their place of registration.

Practice shows that citizens of the Russian Federation are assigned to a certain house, room or apartment almost from the moment of birth.

The term “registration” was actively used in Soviet times, so it is still heard by many Russians.

Despite this, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain this definition and does not interpret it in any way.

In law number 5242-1, registration refers to the registration of citizens at their place of residence. The same legislative act of June 25, 1993 determines the procedure and principles for implementing registration procedures in Russia.

According to the letter of the law, all residents of the Russian Federation are obliged to have a registration that assigns them to a specific place of residence.

Depending on the specifics of a particular case, individuals are given a certain time frame to complete registration procedures.

Today, registration is required when a citizen changes his place of residence. Naturally, the birth of a child in Russia is equated to this fact and will mark the need for his registration on the part of the parents.

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines two types of registration:

  • Permanent registration carried out at the place of permanent residence of persons. As a rule, this type of registration is carried out in relation to newborn children.
  • Temporary registration carried out at the place of temporary residence of persons. This type of registration fixes a citizen at a specific address for a certain period of time and adds difficulties to him in terms of exercising certain rights. From the point of view of all legislative and everyday aspects, temporary registration for a newborn is not the best option.

In principle, this is where the legislative basis on the topic of this article ends. In the future, the procedure for registering a newborn child will be considered more accurately and profiled.


According to current legislation, children must be registered/registered at their place of residence within 7 days.

But infants do not fall under this rule, since they are not actually registered anywhere and do not change their addresses, but are registered in the country for the first time.

The law allows 30 days to register a child at the place of residence. The one-month period allotted for parents to visit the Federal Migration Service is usually announced by the registry office specialists at the time of registration of the birth certificate.

The 30-day period begins to count from the date of receipt of the birth certificate (this date is indicated on this most important child document).

It is the date specified in the certificate that FMS specialists will focus on when assigning penalties.

If the newborn’s residence address changes over time, the parents will have 7 days to report this fact to the migration service. Those. in this case, a more compressed time frame has already been established.

Is registration required for a newborn?

Registration at the place of residence of the parents is required for all newborn citizens of the Russian Federation. According to the legislative norms noted above, registration is required for residents of our country when changing their current place of residence. Birth is equated to this fact, therefore newborn children must be registered at the place of registration of the parents.

Delaying the registration of a child is a violation of the law and carries with it a number of legal consequences for legal guardians.

Since newborn children are not fully capable citizens, all legally significant actions on their behalf should be carried out only by their parents. Naturally, in the absence of registration, fines and other forms of punishment will be imposed on them.


Registration of a newborn is carried out according to general rules, but there are some nuances. is responsible for registering newborns at their place of residence . To carry out registration actions, parents must submit the established set of documents to the FMS.

It includes the parents’ passports, birth certificate, child registration form according to Form No. 6, written consent to registration from the second parent.

It is worth noting that the parents’ passports will be taken away for a while in order to check the information provided and add information about the children to the passport.

According to the law, a child must be registered with one of the parents. Those. it is impossible to register him with his grandparents if there is no registration or temporary registration of the mother/father there.

This rule is contained in Article 20 of the Civil Code. If the parent has a temporary registration at the specified address, the child's registration will expire along with the adult's registration.

If the mother and father of the child live separately or are divorced, then the consent of the second parent is required for registration with the mother or father of the child. Whereas the consent of the owner of the residential premises is not necessary in this case, even if the parent is only a tenant of the apartment.

Basic principles of registration in the Russian Federation

The Registration Law defines the basic principles and rules of registration in Russia. According to its provisions, it is necessary to register newborn children taking into account the following points:

  1. As noted earlier, it will be possible to register a child only at the place of registration of one of his official representatives.
  2. It is advisable that both parents or guardians are registered at the place of registration of the child. Otherwise, the documents submitted to the authorized structures will have to be supplemented with relevant statements from each parent or guardian confirming the legality of registration at the address of a particular one of them.
  3. You can register a newborn either on a temporary or permanent basis. The main thing is that the residence of registration is in the possession of his guardians or parents. With temporary registration, it will be possible to register the baby only with the mother, as mentioned in several paragraphs of Law No. 5242-1.
  4. Registration of newborn children, as well as other citizens of the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with the legally established procedure. Its violation is unacceptable either on behalf of the residents of the country or on the part of government agencies. Such actions are punishable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  5. Violation of the registration procedure entails its cancellation if the fact of illegality is revealed, which should also not be forgotten.

It is on the principles considered that the registration of Russian citizens at their place of immediate residence is based. To understand the essence of the procedure, its features and implementation rules, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the law number 5242-1.

Amount of administrative fine for failure to register a child

A fine for late registration of a child is imposed by FMS employees when it is discovered that there has been no registration for a period exceeding:

  • seven days after receiving the birth certificate of the newborn;
  • seven days after the child moves to a new place of residence.

The fine for a child not having a residence permit is an amount similar to the administrative penalty for an unregistered adult citizen - from two to 3.5 thousand rubles. FMS employees imposing a fine for an unregistered child will be guided by Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Legislative acts regulating the issues of registration of children
Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 20Determines the place of registration and residence of the child together with the parents (guardians, adoptive parents),
RF IC, Article 65Resolves the issue regarding the registration of a child when parents live separately.
“Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation” clause 28List of documents for registration of a newborn

In addition to the punishment, which is a fine for not registering a child, parents will face a number of problems that can only be resolved if the child is registered: registration at a clinic, it will be impossible to get a place in kindergarten and school, or apply for child benefits. Whether a child will be accepted into school without registration is an ambiguous question; you can find out more about this in the article - https://propiskainfo.ru/2579-nuzhna-li-propiska-dlya-shkoly-ili-detskogo-sada

Details about the timing of registration procedures

How long does it take to register a newborn? Parents are given three months to register a newborn, which is counted from the date of birth of the baby. This period is divided into two periods, namely:

  • The first month of a child’s life, during which parents must at least obtain a birth certificate from the registry office or directly from the maternity hospital.
  • The 2nd and 3rd months of the baby’s life, during which registration is carried out. This procedure is carried out by contacting the Passport Office or MFC. You can partially carry out the procedure through the State Services portal, but in any case, visiting the marked structures cannot be avoided.

Registration through the MFC and the State Services portal

Two government agencies are involved in registering children:

  • Multifunctional center (MFC).
  • Passport Office.

To register a child, it is enough to contact one of these authorities at the place of residence, submit the collected list of documents and fill out the appropriate application.

When working through the well-known Gosuslug portal, registration cannot be implemented. When using this resource it is possible to:

  • stand in line at a specific government agency regarding the child’s registration;
  • clarify the nuances you are interested in;
  • monitor the procedure for reviewing previously submitted papers and the implementation of registration.

To take advantage of one of the noted opportunities, you need to go to the State Services portal under your login, find the appropriate field for registering citizens of the Russian Federation and select the required tabs.

Since the site is made at an intuitive level, even the most unsavvy computer users usually do not experience any difficulties when using it.

Is it allowed to register a child without the consent of the owner of the home?

Registration of a child with the permission of the apartment owner

Registration of a child in a specific dwelling is possible only with the permission of the apartment owner.

Since the newborn is registered in the same place where his parents are registered, there are usually no difficulties with permission.

Registering a child without the consent of the home owner is an extremely specific phenomenon and is quite rare.

An example of situations where parents may need such paper is:

  • Registration of a child in a rented apartment.
  • Registration in the house of close relatives, in which official guardians also live and are registered.

In such situations, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission and attach it to the list of documents submitted to the passport office or MFC. With a different approach, registering a newborn child in a particular home may become impossible.

Punishment for late registration of a child

As noted above, parents bear some responsibility for untimely or long-impracticable registration of a newborn child. At the moment, for such an offense they face a fine in the amount of:

  • 2-2,500 rubles throughout Russia;
  • 5-6,000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

A fine can be imposed an unlimited number of times if the child’s parents simply ignore the need to register the child.

The procedure for issuing, paying and other features of extinguishing a fine are determined by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, therefore, if necessary, you should study this act if you need to become familiar with them.

In practice, penalties for late registration of a child are extremely rare and are issued only in the name of persistent violators.

If the deadline for registering the same child is overdue for a short period of time, government agencies forgive citizens for this offense and register their children at their place of residence as usual. Of course, this state of affairs does not always occur and not everywhere, but in most cases this is exactly what is observed.

In principle, on this note, the most important provisions on the topic of today's article have come to an end. We hope that the presented material has helped all readers understand the time frame for registering a newborn child, whether it is difficult and how it is generally implemented. Good luck with registering your kids!

Registration of a child at the place of residence through the State Services portal:

See also Phone numbers for consultation April 30, 2021 kasjanenko 706

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Discussion: 4 comments

  1. Nikolay says:
    09/02/2018 at 01:36

    About fifteen years ago, when no one had heard of State Services, my wife and I forgot to register our newborn child. They didn’t send him to kindergarten, and no one asked him to register at the clinic. It was only when entering school that registration was required. No one made any claims at the passport office; they registered it silently and that’s it. Or they could have been fined.


  2. Julia Red says:

    10.29.2018 at 12:53

    Recently, a friend gave birth to a child; there were no problems with registration at all. We registered the newborn at the mother’s place of registration, submitted an application through government services without queues or long waits


  3. Nika says:

    10/30/2018 at 01:25

    The easiest way to register a baby is through government services; it’s a pity that you still have to go somewhere, and when there is a small child in the house, time becomes catastrophically short.


  4. Alena says:

    08/21/2019 at 13:08

    My husband and I are registered at different addresses. The child was registered in my apartment. The Department of Social Protection demanded to provide a document confirming the child’s registration.


Memo for parents of a newborn


In order for your newborn baby to become a full-fledged Russian citizen, he must be properly “registered” - that is, soon after birth, register the child in all required organizations and receive all the necessary documents: birth certificate, citizenship, registration at the place of residence, compulsory medical insurance policy.

A child can be registered in any registry office in the city, but most often the child’s birth certificate is issued in the registry office at the place of residence of one of the parents.

According to the law, an application for the birth of a child must be submitted no later than one month from the date of his birth.

To register a newborn, you must provide the following documents:

1. Document that serves as the basis for state registration of the birth of a child

  • Certificate of birth of the child from the maternity hospital (it is valid for a month);
  • A birth document issued by a private practitioner during childbirth outside a medical organization;
  • If a newborn was born outside a medical organization and without the participation of doctors - a statement from a person present at the time of the birth of the child.

2. Passports of the mother and father (if the family is incomplete - only the mother). 3. Marriage certificate (if available).

When registering a birth certificate, the surname of the newborn is recorded according to the surname of his parents, the name - by agreement of the parents. If the parents of a newborn are married, either of them can apply to register the child; the presence of the other when issuing a birth certificate is not necessary. If the parents' marriage is not registered, the physical presence of both the father and mother of the newborn is required when registering a birth certificate. Information about the child's father in this case is entered on the basis of the record of the act of establishing paternity. If paternity has not been established, information about the child’s father is recorded on the birth certificate according to the mother’s words or, at her request, not indicated at all. In this case, the newborn receives the mother’s surname, and the patronymic is written down from her words.

Along with the child’s birth certificate, the registry office will issue a certificate in form No. 25 for processing benefits for a newborn child, which is valid for 6 months. At the same time, the certificate from the maternity hospital is taken away.

If it is impossible to present to the registry office certain documents that are the basis for state registration of the birth of a child, registration is carried out on the basis of a court decision establishing the fact of the birth of a child.


The next step is to register the child at the place of residence of one of the parents.
A newborn child can be registered both at the place of residence of the mother and father. At the same time, the consent of all other people registered in this apartment or house is not required to register the child. To register a newborn, you need to contact the passport office at your place of residence.
They will ask for the following documents :

  • Application from the mother (father) to register the child at the place of residence of the mother (father).
  • Extracts from personal accounts and house books from the place of residence of the father and mother (EIRC, passport office).
  • A certificate from the second parent stating that the child is not registered with him or her at the place of residence. (REU, passport office).
  • Child's birth certificate + photocopy.
  • Parents' passports + photocopies.
  • Marriage certificate (if registered).
  • Statement from the 2nd parent that he does not object to the registration of the child.

Before submitting to the passport office, all documents, except passports and birth and marriage certificates, must be certified by the head of the housing office. Registration of a child at the place of residence usually takes several days.

As a result, a small stamp will appear on the birth certificate confirming the place of residence of the newborn. There is no need to pay any transfers or fees for registering a newborn - they do it for free
. After this, you must receive a certificate from the Housing Office about the child’s registration and about his joint residence with you - this will be needed to receive benefits.


A compulsory medical insurance policy can be obtained from a medical insurance organization operating in the compulsory medical insurance system. To complete it you will need only two documents:

  • Passport of one of the parents of the newborn, which contains a mark of registration at the place of residence (propiska).
  • Child's birth certificate.

At the time of registration of the policy, you will be given a temporary certificate of registration of the compulsory medical insurance policy, replacing the policy until it is received. The compulsory medical insurance policy will be ready within 30 days.


You need to obtain a SNILS from the pension fund at your place of registration or from the MFC.
Don’t put it off “for later” , it is processed very quickly, in the future it may be needed to process many medical documents, including preferential prescriptions and referrals for examination and treatment outside the Arkhangelsk region.

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