Extension of sick leave: how to extend sick leave and if you are not sick?

Author: Maria Novikova

Many patients have to think about how to extend their sick leave.

a sheet from a therapist or other doctor, if the law establishes
a specific period
of possible disability, and the body has not yet had time to recover. This review will help you understand the main issues that arise in such situations. The article also contains information about what awaits the patient if he missed an appointment at the clinic, and for what maximum period the ballot can be extended.

In what cases and for how long is a certificate of incapacity for work issued?

Before sending a patient on sick leave, doctors are guided by the provisions of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation

In particular, clauses 1 and 2 of Art.
59 of this normative act lists cases when it is necessary to issue a certificate of incapacity for work, and indicates the maximum time limit. So, sick leave opens in the following cases:

  • the presence of diseases, injuries, poisonings and other conditions associated with temporary disability;
  • after-care in sanatorium-resort organizations;
  • the need to care for a sick family member or due to quarantine;
  • for the duration of prosthetics in stationary conditions;
  • in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, as well as when adopting a child.

Depending on qualification

medical worker, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued:

  1. By a dentist or paramedic alone for a period of no more than 10 days.
  2. A therapist and other specialized specialists for a period not exceeding 15 days inclusive.

The duration of the period for which a patient can be granted sick leave is determined either by the specifics of the patient’s disease, or by another reason causing his disability. You can learn more about this from the text of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n “On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work


doctor handing a piece of paper to a woman

Many uncured patients go to an appointment with the thought of what to tell the doctor in order to extend sick leave? In essence, test results and symptoms will speak for them. The attending doctor does not take into account complaints about poor health and weakness without confirming these facts with compelling arguments in the form of external manifestations and laboratory tests. Therefore, complaints based on words alone cannot contribute to either the opening or extension of a certificate of incapacity for work.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure

Depending on the method of completing the treatment course, the procedure for extending the BL differs slightly. As we said above, there are outpatient and inpatient sick leave. Obtaining an extension for paramedic or private sick leave follows the same principle, so there is no need to consider them separately.

  • How to extend BL if the patient is being treated by a general practitioner for a cold?
    Let's say a patient was being treated for a cold at home on an outpatient basis. Even at his first visit to the therapist, he should have been given a sick leave sheet with the date of opening and the date of expected closure. The bottom line is that before closing the BC you are required to be examined again. And here lies the whole trick: if you still have symptoms of the disease, even not the most significant ones - cough, runny nose, etc. – the attending physician will make an entry in the BC about the extension of its validity. In addition, he is obliged to certify this with his signature and seal.
  • If sick leave is extended in a hospital, then there is nothing to worry about at all: the attending physician will already know the dynamics of your recovery, this will be recorded in detail in the medical record.
    If the doctor understands that the duration of the first BL is not enough for a complete recovery, he will extend the sheet, reflecting the reasons for the extension in a new entry.

    Note: the total period of such an extension cannot exceed 10 days, and if more time is needed, the doctor will suggest scheduling a meeting of the commission.

  • However, it also happens that BL needs to be extended after discharge from the hospital.
    Then you need to go there again along with the old BC and complain about your health. A medical examination will be scheduled. If complications or other grounds for extension are detected, you will be given a second BC. Despite this, the total validity period of the second sheet cannot exceed 10 days, because legally this is considered an extension, and not the issuance of a new certificate.
  • And finally, there is the extension of the BC with the participation of the commission. This procedure is required if the client needs more than 15 days to recover.

In brief, the renewal procedure includes:

  1. undergoing a medical examination;
  2. review by the commission of a medical card, tests and other information;
  3. on the appointed date, without the participation of the patient, the medical commission decides whether it is necessary to extend the BL.

If a positive decision is made, the client will need to visit the clinic every fifteen days to assess the progress of the disease.

Period for extending sick leave after hospitalization in a clinic

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 624n

, which was mentioned above, specifies cases of extension of the period of temporary disability. After all, it is obvious that 10-15 days for the complete rehabilitation of the patient’s body after a difficult operation or difficult childbirth is clearly not enough.

To avoid any problems when filling out the form, it would be a good idea for patients to know how to extend their sick leave after surgery.

In this situation, all issues are resolved with the attending physician - the doctor in such cases personally determines the patient’s physical condition and can independently increase the period
of incapacity for work without convening a commission (in this case, weekends and holidays are also included in this period). His competence extends to the following situations:

  1. The patient must attend additional treatment procedures
    at the clinic (an additional 15 days may be prescribed).
  2. Inpatient treatment
    in the hospital was not enough (plus 10 days to the due date).
  3. If the sick leave was issued by a paramedic or dentist, then in case of complications
    can add another 10 days for rehabilitation.

doctor sitting on a bed holding a woman's hand

In private medical institutions, doctors are authorized, just like their “state” colleagues, to increase the period of incapacity for work by an additional 15 days.

Extension of a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of more than 1 month is carried out by a medical commission

In this case, the patient must agree to undergo a specialized examination
, which will prove the need for a longer period for satisfactory recovery of the body.

Maximum term

sick leave after a decision to extend it by the commission is 10 months. Doctors make this decision in the following cases:

  • carrying out major surgery;
  • experienced a heart attack or stroke;
  • the presence of complex fractures.

There is also an exceptional period

disability of 1 year. Such long-term sick leave is allowed for patients:

  • those suffering from an open form of tuberculosis;
  • having illnesses associated with oncology;
  • those experiencing severe physical trauma or complications after difficult operations.

Against the backdrop of such serious problems, many are worried about something else - whether they will extend their sick leave if the runny nose continues. In this case, the attending doctor will increase the period independently without the involvement of a commission. However, you should not count on a long renewal of the ballot. In such cases, no one gives more than 1-2 weeks for recovery.

Is the following BL considered one insured event with the primary document?

An insured event is an event upon the occurrence of which the insurer must fulfill its obligations towards the insured person. One disease can be issued with several sick leave certificates. But this does not mean that there are several insurance cases.

If the BC is a continuation of a previously issued sheet, the primary document and its subsequent parts are considered one insured event. When a new slip is issued, the previous one is processed for the issuance of benefits. If a citizen continues to be ill, a corresponding note is made on the first sheet.

How many days in this case are at the expense of the employer and who pays the second part of the personal income tax?

The answer to this question depends on the order in which the documents were issued. As a continuation in case of long-term illness or independently from each other for different insurance cases. The billing period is determined based on the date of the first sick leave.

The employer pays for the first three days only on the sheet where the checkbox is placed next to the word “primary”. In cases of renewal, indicating the number of the previous document.

If two primary sheets are presented, then this will already be two insured events. You must pay for the first three days of each. Thus, the document issued as a continuation is paid entirely from the Social Insurance Fund.

Features of registration of a certificate of incapacity for labor for women in labor

pregnant woman at doctor's appointment

In Art. 255 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

(hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) states that:

Women, upon their application and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued in accordance with the established procedure, are granted maternity leave of 70 (in the case of multiple pregnancies - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in the case of complicated childbirth - 86, for the birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after childbirth.

However, in Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 624n

There are cases when the hospital period may become longer. Such cases include:

  1. Childbirth performed by cesarean section, or the presence of complications during the birth of the child.
  2. If the ultrasound did not show the expectant mother the presence of a multiple pregnancy, and this circumstance became clear only during childbirth.
  3. Childbirth that began earlier than expected (before the 30th week), the birth of a stillborn child.
  4. If a woman has diseases of the cardiovascular system or other chronic illnesses.
  5. If in vitro fertilization was performed.

Calculation of the extension of sick leave after complicated childbirth or other cases is made by an obstetrician-gynecologist

. In all situations, a woman giving birth has the right to an additional 16 days of maternity leave. If a woman gives birth to triplets or more, the doctor may extend the period of incapacity for another 40 days.

If the illness occurred while on vacation

medicines on the patient's table

Sometimes a much-desired vacation can be ruined by a sudden deterioration in health. Trips to medical institutions do not add any color to your vacation, and citizens who are little familiar with the law assume that these days cannot be returned. A reliable and proven way to extend sick leave during vacation

, there is - this is knowledge of the laws.
124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that:

Annual paid leave must be extended or transferred to another period determined by the employer taking into account the wishes of the employee, in the event of temporary disability of the employee.

How to extend sick leave if you are not sick

Some would dream of not going to work longer, resting at the expense of their organization or the state. However, the attitude of doctors towards such scoundrels has never been favorable. Each issued certificate of incapacity for work is registered

, and unscrupulous patients may be added to the “
ignore list
”. Therefore, it will become more difficult for deceivers to get medical help in the future.

There is no way to extend sick leave if you have recovered while complying with Russian laws. However, a healthy person can apply for a certificate of temporary incapacity for work if supervision of a sick person

family member (in particular, a minor child). The period will vary depending on the age of the sick children:

  • For disabled children, the parent or guardian has the right not to go to work until the child has fully recovered;
  • sick children over 7 years of age but under 15 can “exempt” their legal guardians or parents from work for a maximum of 2 weeks;
  • 3 days is the period of sick leave if family members over 15 years of age need care (in exceptional cases, the commission may release an able-bodied citizen from work for a week so that he can look after his loved ones).

woman holding a thermometer in her hand

Many illnesses are cured when the mark on the thermometer does not rise above 36.6, and patients worry about how long they can extend sick leave without a fever

Some patients mistakenly believe that if they do not have a fever, they will be considered healthy. This is not so - the doctor takes into account the general condition
of the patient who contacts him, and according to a single rule, he can increase the period of temporary disability to 15 days.

Rules for obtaining sick leave for ARVI and periods of temporary disability

In the modern world, the likelihood of contracting a viral disease is very high. A particularly common disease is called ARVI.

Many people do not attach importance to it, but it is important to begin treatment after the first symptoms appear so that complications do not develop.

This article explains why you need to see a doctor and how to get sick leave for ARVI.

A sick leave certificate is a document issued by the attending physician. It indicates a violation of the health of a person who is temporarily unable to perform his duties at the workplace. According to the law, missed days upon presentation of the sheet are paid depending on the employee’s length of service.

If the employer decides not to pay for the period specified in the document, then a complaint can be filed against him in court. A certificate of incapacity for work is issued at the clinic to which the person is assigned. When making an appointment, you must have your compulsory medical insurance policy with you.

Sick leave in another city

Sometimes it happens that a person gets sick while traveling to other localities or during a business trip. When contacting a medical institution not at the place of residence, the patient may encounter some difficulties in obtaining a certificate of incapacity for work ( lack of a card

patient at the local clinic complicates the doctor's job).

However, in other cities it is possible to issue a certificate of incapacity for work. However, is it possible to extend sick leave in another city if it was opened at the clinic at the place of registration of the citizen? There are no legislative obstacles to such a procedure, but doctors may have fair questions for a patient who seems to be sick, does not go to work, but for some reason travels around the country.

Unextended sick leave: consequences at work

male doctor writes with a pen on a sheet of paper

At school or in universities, non-system truants are generally treated with loyalty, and the absence of a pupil or student from classes not confirmed by a doctor’s certificate can entail, at most, only a reprimand with the need to make up the hours missed without a good reason. It’s another matter when a person works under an employment contract. What happens if you don’t extend your sick leave


You can calm down: in practice, an employee who neglects his duties to visit a doctor is deprived of only part of the benefit

due to violation of the regimen prescribed by the doctor.
The benefit on the day of missing a visit to a medical institution and after it will be calculated according to the minimum wage, and not based on the employee’s salary. Doctors usually extend the certificate of incapacity for work retroactively

However, there are exceptions

, and this must be remembered.
No one will renew a ballot if they suspect that an absolutely healthy person is deliberately shirking work. Therefore, in order to avoid various disputes with the doctor and the accounting department of the company in which the patient works, it is recommended not to violate the deadlines for visiting
the doctor.

There is a category of patients who are late to see the doctor and who are concerned about whether their sick leave can be extended by 1 day. They don’t have to worry about this - there is such a possibility. Medical staff for good reasons

can meet halfway. At the same time, there is no need to pester doctors too intrusively so that they put an extra day on the sick leave list due to the negligent behavior of the patient who missed an appointment.

What will happen if a patient fails to show up for an appointment on time?

The line “Get to work” usually indicates the date of restoration of working capacity the next day after examination and recognition of your ability to work. However, if, after issuing or extending a certificate of incapacity for work, you did not show up for an appointment with a doctor, and at the next visit to the doctor you are recognized as able to work, code 36 is indicated in the “Other” line and the date of the actual visit to the doctor is indicated. In this case, the date of restoration of working capacity is not indicated (clauses 58, 61 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 N 624n).

Failure of a patient to appear without good reason at the appointed time for a medical examination is grounds for reducing the amount of disability benefits from the date of failure to appear. In addition, in certain cases, your absence from work may be regarded as absenteeism, the last resort for which is dismissal (clause “a”, clause 6, part 1, article 81, article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; clause 2, part 1 , clause 1, part 2, article 8 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ).

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