Dismissal during maternity leave - at your own request
While on maternity leave for up to 3 years, the employee is protected by the state from
Additional agreement on the assignment of additional responsibilities
Each employee working in the company is assigned a certain list of responsibilities corresponding to his specialization. But sometimes
Benefits for working disabled people of group 2 (latest news) in 2021
Awarding disability Today, recognition of a person as disabled is carried out through a special medical and social examination. This question
Ingosstrakh NSZH
How to get a tax deduction for insurance correctly
Step 1. Documents for tax deduction of life insurance Step 2. Filling out the 3-NDFL declaration Step
Disabled child
Everything about the disability commission for children: what documents need to be prepared to pass the MSE (medical and social examination)?
Is it worth applying? Most parents, faced with the problem of a child having a serious illness, do not
Hotline of the Tax Service (FTS)
Free telephone hotline of the tax office - Federal Tax Service contact center for consultation
Tax Inspectorate is an executive body that monitors compliance with tax legislation in the territory
Obtaining Russian citizenship for citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan
The laws of the Russian Federation include provisions regarding the procedure for acquiring citizenship. Natives of most countries
The criminal record certificate states that he was convicted by a magistrate under Part 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to a fine of 20,000 rubles. So, there is no criminal record, or what do you mean?
When and for what positions do you need a criminal record certificate? The applicant must provide
Shares in inheritance - by law, by will, obligatory share
Mandatory share in inheritance Inheritance means movable and immovable property, which is rightfully
Insult at work
Insult in the workplace: article, punishment, report, sample claim for compensation for moral damage 2021
Labor relations are often accompanied by conflicts within the team or with management. If they are accompanied by humiliation
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