The concept of a technological break The working day at an enterprise is built taking into account the characteristics of the production process.
Many articles have been written about how an employee can leave their position, and even
Drawing up a vacation schedule is the responsibility of all employers, regardless of the number of employees in the company. This
“Unemployed” status: definition and conditions for assignment Unemployed status is the position of a citizen in which
Home / Education Back Published: 03/17/2021 Reading time: 8 min 0 6918 –
In what cases can you ask for time off? Application for time off for a few hours or
A situation when an employee accumulates a certain number of vacation days that he did not have time for or
For what period of sick leave are issued? Women are given a long period of rest during pregnancy and
Is dismissal legal on the basis of a certificate confirming the employee’s disability? What documents will confirm the absence?
Benefits for families with three or more children were previously provided only to the mother. However, with