How to properly document an employee’s short absence from work (from 0.5 hours to 4 hours) without pay?

In what cases can you ask for time off?

An application for time off for a few hours or on account of time worked is drawn up by company employees to resolve urgent matters. When it comes to a document of this type, the circumstances are taken into account. You can legally get time off:

  • on account of vacation;
  • at your own expense;
  • for processing that was not paid for.

Most often, it is not possible to document processing. The first two cases are quite common in labor practice, and activities related to such document flow are entirely the responsibility of the HR and accounting departments. They also provide a sample application for time off for a few hours.

Rules for granting time off

You must submit an application for time off.

It should be noted that both minor employees and pregnant women and mothers whose children are currently under three years old cannot be involved in work outside of normal working hours. The remaining categories may be subject to additional workload, such as:

  • working more than the established hourly rate per day;
  • working on a holiday or day off;
  • fulfilling not only one’s own, but also other people’s responsibilities (substituting for a sick colleague).

There are several types of time off that the employer is required to provide in accordance with the provisions of the labor code. These are days off on the occasion of a wedding, the birth of a child or the death of close relatives. Time off is also due if the employee has undergone a blood donation procedure.

In total, the period of leave cannot last more than five days. Otherwise, this will negatively affect your work experience, and the employer may even offer to go on leave without pay. Therefore, employees most often take short days off to cover previously worked time.

Some enterprises also practice providing time off in advance. That is, the employee goes on his short-term paid vacation, however, he undertakes to work overtime at the first request. The law does not stipulate such a procedure for providing time off, so the employer can do this only in the conditions of a trusting relationship with his subordinates.

Time off must be documented on paper and approved not only by superiors, but also by the immediate supervisor.

The application must be submitted three days before the desired day off so that the order is actually issued.

It is not often in organizations that such statements are not carried out through the personnel department - this is done, again, through a verbal agreement with the employee.

Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that work on weekends and holidays can be permitted only in exceptional cases and with the written consent of the employee. The employer must also issue an order under his signature justifying the need to work on a day off.

Legislation and Labor Code

Since there is no punishment in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for absenteeism if it lasts less than 4 hours, administrative responsibility arises only in cases where a person urgently needs to leave the workplace for the whole working day. There is no such thing as taking a few hours off.

There is only a short-term form of leave on account of working time, but it will need to be worked out or it has already been worked out in advance.

If we talk about using vacation, then the application is written for days at your own request on account of the general vacation. This is a permissible measure, especially for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are not allowed to divide their entire rest into several periods. This trick only helps when you need one week out of four or five full.

If you only need to take one to three hours, then it is better to write an application for time off for several hours to account for overtime or with a transfer of work. It’s just difficult to take a free day for rest at your own expense without working, because anyone who simply doesn’t want to get up early today or work the night shift can do this.

Minimum short-term leave

They also give you a vacation at your own expense, which means at least a week.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation has the concept of time off, which is described in Article 153. It specifies cases when an employee can take leave, as well as the conditions for receiving it. You must fill out the required form provided by the HR employee. The registration rules can be found in the sample application for time off for a few hours.

The law also provides for an indication of the reasons and incentives for taking unreasonable (unplanned) leave.

What should be included in the application structure

Like any other document at work, an application for time off must begin with a header that indicates the position and initials of the boss, the name of the company, as well as the position and initials of the employee. After the word “statement” comes the text itself.

The author must indicate how many hours and on what day he will need to leave, and then indicate on what day and at what time he worked overtime or went on a holiday or weekend. Having substantiated the request, the employee signs and indicates the current date. Then he checks with his immediate supervisor.

Time off is like a vacation

Referring to Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can take one day off per working week at the expense of previously worked hours or days. And if a person only needs a day or a few hours off to get things done, he should rely on Art. 106-107 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It says that on account of annual leave, an employee can take paid hours of rest, or receive unpaid time off. But this article often turns into problems, since it is too inconvenient to reflect working time on a timesheet for several hours or days.

Legality of taking unpaid overtime days or hours

A person, on the basis of Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can be given as many hours or days as he needs to resolve personal matters, such as:

  • funeral;
  • wedding;
  • birth of a child;
  • urgent assistance to a relative;
  • family circumstances.

Also, the period of absence of an employee from the workplace is determined by agreement with management. Also, the Labor Code and usually the contract state that a company employee has the right to leave for family reasons, and during this period he cannot be called back to work, nor can he be fired. You can substantiate the reason by contacting personnel or management. In this case, a memo is drawn up for a leave of absence for several hours.

Application for a day off

If you do not know how to correctly write an application for time off for several hours, you should take a sample in advance from the HR department, since it can be modified and look different in each specific organization. Prepare certificates and a medical report if this will help convince your superiors of the need for your intention.

Sometimes it is necessary to take several hours for the initial examination in order to undergo diagnostics and find out the diagnosis. The employer should be warned about maintaining a place during the vacation period, so as not to lose his job upon leaving it.

It happens that time off is prolonged, turns into sick leave, then into forced long-term treatment, and then into maternity leave, etc. In such cases, no one is fired, salaries are not paid, but social contributions and health insurance are deducted, which is no longer profitable for the company.

Therefore, you need to know in advance what exactly you want to get, what type of vacation and what article you are referring to. This will determine whether you will be paid, retained, or given other benefits, such as part-time work to allow you to return to work early because you are feeling unwell.

Take time off from work part-time

Issues of this kind are easily resolved in small private companies, where the employee often reaches a verbal agreement with the employer to provide a break from work. In this case, the employee undertakes to work the hours that the employer allocated to him at another time. For example, if there is a need to perform overtime work.

If an employee needs a short time to resolve his issues, then it is not recommended to write an application for 2 hours to get a day off, moreover, without saving wages due to inexpediency. The best option in such a situation is to negotiate with management to obtain the employer's permission. If there is a need for more time, but not a whole working day, the employee can write a statement, indicating a specific time. It must be endorsed by the management of the enterprise, after which it is attached to the working time sheet.

In such a situation, wages are calculated based on actual hours worked.

An employee may leave the workplace if he receives the approval of his immediate supervisor. If necessary, he coordinates his actions with senior management. Although often such an action is not necessary to carry out, because the issue of several hours of work can be decided personally by virtue of his official rights.

In enterprises with hourly wages, management may let the employee go for some time, for example, 4 hours. At the same time, he has the right to subtract the hours of absence of the employee from the total time recorded in the time sheet, calculating his wages. But it is better for the employee to take a day off for half the working day, having received permission from the employer.

How to correctly write an application for time off for a few hours

At any enterprise, absence from work must be properly documented in order to avoid offenses. According to generally accepted rules, it is reflected in the working time sheet, so it is in it that time off for several hours is recorded. The employee must submit an application to the employer to be granted leave with or without pay.

An application for time off is an official request from an employee to the management of the enterprise so that he is given free time during working hours.

At the same time, in accordance with the provisions of labor law, the organizational and legal form does not matter, because the preparation of documentation in all organizations is similar. It implements the interests and rights of the applicant regarding his work activity.

Features of drawing up statements

If you don’t know how to write a leave of absence for several hours, write it in any form. It does not have template forms and is most often written in free form. It is possible to fill out an application on the basis of a leave of absence for several hours, which is provided by a personnel employee upon the verbal request of the employee.

  1. The “header” of the application is filled out, indicating the positions, names and surnames of both parties.
  2. The reason is described.
  3. The date starting from the moment of absence and the period required for solving personal problems are indicated.
  4. The application should include official data, which it is advisable to confirm with documents or certificates.
  5. Time off can be considered completed as soon as the application is signed by management.

If the document is not accepted for registration by the HR specialist, any departure from work will be considered absenteeism, which will result in dismissal under the article. If the document is signed even at the end of the working day, this day is considered the first day included in the vacation period.

An employer may refuse short-term leave if the company does not have enough staff, there is too much work, and employment does not imply extraordinary leaves. Also, the application should be written three to five days in advance, since leaving on the day the application is written threatens immediate dismissal without the obligation to work. Therefore, these points should be taken into account, especially if the vacation is urgently needed.

Examples of statements under different circumstances

When writing requests for time off for special circumstances, you should consider the wording. For example, how to write a leave of absence for several hours if you need to take your child to the clinic? Please indicate specific circumstances. For example, write: “Please allow me four hours from 08:00 to visit a pediatrician (full name) at a medical institution (indicate the clinic number).

The need to place a relative in the hospital, bring things, or leave to give testimony or examination is the basis for which time off is required. Depending on the complexity of the situation, documents are attached when re-writing the application.

For example, a child has an accident, the mother urgently leaves work. The management accommodated and released the employee for a few hours. The next day, the woman asks for three days off without pay to visit the child. At the same time, she provides an extract from the hospital where the child is actually staying, and writes the following statement: “I ask that you allow me to leave my workplace on April 28 for three hours from 11:00 to 14:00 in connection with a visit to the medical institution where treatment is taking place.” my young child (full name)."

Provided that time off can be taken in advance, for example to repair the heating system, it should indicate strong and convincing reasons. However, this will not be included in the vacation bill, since it is not a reason or a necessary measure, and unplanned vacation is most often not included in the total number of paid days. Of course, relations with management should also be taken into account - many do not cooperate on principle, not wanting to put themselves in the position of an employee.

Below is an example of how to write an application for time off for a few hours:

“I ask you to provide me with an additional day of rest on June 13, 2013 for work on a holiday on May 1, 2013, which was not paid at a double rate, and therefore I believe that I am entitled to time off.”

Instructions for writing an application for time off

The application for time off takes the form of a generally accepted template and should not pose any problems when filling it out. Most often, the application is filled out on an ordinary A4 sheet in 2 copies.

  1. On the right side, at the top, you need to display who the document is addressed to. Displayed here:
  • Position of the head of the company (director, manager, etc.),
  • Full name of the company, displaying its status (OJSC, ZOA, LLC, individual entrepreneur).
  • FULL NAME. director.
  1. Then, in the same way, data about the author of the letter is entered (position, structural department, full name).
  2. Then in the middle of the line you need to display the name of the “Application” form.
  3. The main block of the form must reflect the essence of the request. Here you must definitely note the planned date of the day off and the reason for its implementation. If a co-worker has an urgent need for time off, then this also needs to be shown (it is advisable to provide documentary evidence).
  4. At the end of the form, the document must be signed with an obligatory transcript and the date of sending must be set.
  5. Finally, you need to send the completed document to the reception for its registration.

Application for leave at your own expense for one day

Sometimes an event may occur when a specialist needs to urgently leave the company.
The director of the institution, if a specialist has extracurricular activities, is obliged to let him go, and to someone who does not have overtime he may refuse the request. Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation notes that the director of an institution has the right to allocate free leave to a specialist for a period, as agreed by the parties, “... for family and other circumstances ...”, after a request is submitted by a colleague.

To allocate free time off, you must send a request to the administration of the institution, where you indicate the reason for the break in work. The Labor Code indicates that free time off is granted only for a reasoned reason. In this case, the owner of the company does not have the right to demand explanations from the applicant.

The petition is filled out in accordance with the requirements for drawing up official letters, signed by the author of the petition and submitted to the administration.

The applicant may go on leave after signing the order to allocate a day of absence.

However, Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the list of persons to whom the administration does not have the right to refuse to provide such rest. These include:

  • Working pensioners.
  • Working participants of the Second World War.
  • Relatives of the military.
  • Police Department employees.
  • Fire-fighting government specialists.
  • Customs workers.
  • Participants in penal enforcement agencies who suffered in the performance of their obligations.
  • Disabled workers.
  • Those who work, at the birth of a baby, at a wedding ceremony, at the funeral of relatives.
  • In addition to the above list, the right to free time off is allocated to applicants for exams upon admission to a university, as well as students in classes preparing for a university in accordance with Art. 173 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • The same procedure for allocating free time off exists when combining work and study at a secondary technical institution. Here the rules are reflected in Art. 263 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Such leave is given to single parents raising children under 14 years of age, parents of disabled children under the age of 18, as well as parents raising 2 or more children under 14 years of age.

Persons working part-time are given time off without accrual when the paid vacation at the main company is longer than at the company where they work part-time. In this option, the part-time worker has the right to allocate time off equal to the missing number of days. This provision is reflected in Art. 286 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Among other things, the regulations regulate the right to free time off in the following areas:

  1. At marriage.
  2. When adding to the family.
  3. Deaths of relatives.
  4. Donating blood as a donor.

Note. The director of an institution does not have the right to recall to work a person who has received unpaid leave. This is the difference between free time off and annual paid vacation.

Sample application for leave for 1 day

Applications for time off for a previously worked day

Specialists performing work activities on weekends or holidays have the prerogative to rest or financial compensation specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Even if a specialist who has extracurricular overtime has notified the director in advance about the day he is going on leave, he is still required to register a request for leave in writing.


Applications for leave for family reasons

Sometimes events may occur when the need for time off cannot be foreseen. If a loved one unexpectedly dies, or a baby suddenly gets sick, or some other event, then there is a reason for a sudden day off, but there is no way to notify the boss about this. In such events, an application for time off can be drawn up later.

  • If the person does not have extra hours, the time off will be taken at his own expense.
  • If you have overtime hours, the specialist, in agreement with the director, can assign time off for unscheduled hours of activity.

To exercise the prerogative for unforeseen time off, the specialist must send a notification to the company administration. The procedure for filling out such a letter is the same as when filling out official letters.

An application for leave for family reasons can be filled out manually or on a computer with the form printed on a printer. If the company has accepted its own forms, the application is filled out on them.

If the specialist does not want to state the reason for excommunication in the petition, you can get by with the phrase “... for family reasons...”.


Applications for time off for donating blood

A person who has received donor status is entitled to some social benefits, as well as a day to improve his health. Unlike ordinary time off, a “donor” day is noted on the timesheet as a working day, with appropriate pay. The rest period for donating blood can be taken immediately after completing the medical cycle or on another date as agreed with the director of the company.

Note. If blood donation was carried out on a weekend, the prerogative for rest remains with the possibility of using it on another working day that satisfies the donor and the director of the institution, or can be added to the annual holiday.

The fact of donating blood is confirmed by a form from the medical institution according to form No. 402-u.


Applications for time off on account of vacation

In agreement with the management of the institution where the person works, a specialist can request time off to cover the annual vacation. The number of days off due to annual leave cannot exceed 14.

Note. Providing such time off is a right, not an obligation, of the administration. The exception is preferential citizens.


Applications for time off for several hours

Sometimes an employee needs to miss work for just a few hours to resolve a problem.
In this case, there is no need to ask for the whole day. Here the boss can meet you halfway, without formalizing an agreement. However, verbal agreement is not easy to prove if the manager subsequently wants to fire the person. Therefore, even if you are leaving for several hours, it is better to submit a written request, especially if there is a document confirming your absence from work. In the timesheet on such a day, it will be necessary to record the actual number of hours worked, with reference to the employee’s written request.

Such a petition is written according to a standard template adopted by the company, or in accordance with the general rules of office work.

Weekends towards vacation

When you don’t want to lose money, but you need to take a weekend, you can use a convenient wording: “I ask you to provide two calendar days for paid leave from 10/05/2018 to 10/06/2018.”

At the same time, the employer will not be able to refuse you, even if the following days are weekends. However, here too a formality must be observed:

  1. The balance of all unused leave must be at least 14 days excluding holidays, minus the two days requested.
  2. You need to fill out an application three to four days in advance so that personnel officers can issue an order.

If you don’t know how to write an application for time off for a few hours, ask a company employee responsible for calculating working hours or preparing time sheets for a sample.

In addition, many employees take several hours of compensatory time off on working days of the week for the days they work. This is strictly stated in Art. 113 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If they were not paid, but recorded, for example, in the log of the time employees arrived and left the workplace, the employee must be compensated for overtime in the form of additional pay or a day off.

In this case, you must refer to the individual agreement. It may stipulate special employment, implying not a 40-hour week, but also an appropriate salary. Remember that working on a day off is prohibited, so the employer is obliged to provide people with days off. According to Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to receive double pay for work on a day off, or time off with payment at a single tariff rate. It turns out that there will be payment in any case, but time off is not always given, compensating for work at a double rate.

Important! If a company has an official holiday scheduled for March 8 or February 23, as is usually the case, but employees are told to work the day on Saturday, the work is paid at a single rate. Time off on holidays is provided by government regulation and all benefits are retained. But according to Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person can choose whether to receive monetary compensation for overtime (not to be confused with previously worked time) or to go on a day off not as planned. At the same time, it should be exactly as many hours as he worked per day. The total amount is calculated over the course of a week.

Time off concept

What is time off?

The concept of time off was not officially established in labor legislation. However, there is wording on the registration of an additional day off or several hours for previously worked time. It was customary to call it time off.

Any employee has the right to refuse to exceed the plan for a working day, week or month, unless otherwise agreed in the employment contract.

For example, some companies have a clearly established number of working hours, which the new employee was informed about during the interview. At another enterprise, the documents clearly indicate irregular working hours.

If in the first case the employee can refuse unnecessary responsibilities, then in the second he will have to obey the manager. In both cases, he has the right to demand compensation.

As a rule, employees most often opt for monetary compensation. A work shift on a weekend or holiday must be paid twice as much. However, the organization can verbally stipulate that overtime hours will be “thanked” with the same amount of free time.

Another thing is that for a few hours of work on a weekend or holiday, the employer must provide the subordinate with a full day off.

If additional hours were worked on a weekday, then you can only use this accumulated time and not a minute more.

At some enterprises, it is customary to call time off any working day that, for certain reasons, becomes a day off for a particular employee. For example, if he took one day as vacation or without pay.

But most often, time off is the time allocated to the employee for previous overtime.

Family circumstances

Some employees believe that they are required to provide leave at the expense of the employer if they have special family circumstances. The Labor Code says something completely different:

  1. Time off is provided for the birth of a child, marriage, or death of close relatives.
  2. Vacation can only be taken for 5 days according to the law.
  3. Family leave is not paid unless it is included in paid leave.

There is a small nuance: if an employee tries to deceive the employer, for example, take three days off for a wedding, but include it in the vacation and receive money, then later, when checking the documents, an overlay will be revealed. On the other hand, unpaid leave for family reasons is prescribed only by law, and, as a rule, the employee is obliged to register it so that there are no problems with documents later.

If a person indicates in his application that family circumstances are otherwise not provided for by law, he may be given time off for up to five days. For example, forced accompaniment of a husband to the hospital, caring for a sick person, etc. In this case, a person must work for at least six months in this job if he:

  1. Is not in position.
  2. Does not care for a child until he reaches three years of age.

Women can be given hours of compensatory time or paid days off towards vacation, even if they do not have six months of work experience. This is due to the inevitable sick leave for children who go to kindergarten or are under the supervision of a nanny. In the event of the death of a relative, leave granted for five days can be extended to 14 days without pay, if the circumstances of the death require it, a criminal case has been opened or an investigation is underway.

How to write applications for time off in 2021

The specialist is obliged to communicate his request to take time off in advance by submitting a petition to his boss.
He is obliged to issue an order to allocate rest. The regulations do not stipulate the deadline for sending an application for time off, which is why such a letter can be sent on a day of rest, however, in the absence of a good reason, it is unlikely to be possible to go on vacation. If the petition is not filed, the employee’s failure to appear at the company will be regarded as “absenteeism,” with far-reaching consequences. Let's look at the main features for correctly filling out a request for time off.

Considering that there is no template for an application for time off, an employed person can fill it out while maintaining the procedure for drawing up official official letters. The form must include:

  1. Company name
  2. Information about the boss.
  3. Employee data.
  4. Name of the form.
  5. Also in the petition it is imperative to indicate the basis, the need for rest and the desired day of receiving it. The reason for the request may not be indicated, but it must be taken into account that in a number of situations (the birth of a baby, a wedding procedure, a funeral, etc.) the law prohibits the manager from refusing the applicant.
  6. At the end of the letter, the author must sign and write down the date of its composition.

Guarantees in receiving time off

Every person has the right to time off if he belongs to the category of persons specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the job and seniority are preserved. Separately, there are several categories of citizens who can provide significant evidence to obtain time off without an application:

  1. Those who are donors and donate blood for those in need are given a day off on the day of blood donation.
  2. Donor certificate on a permanent basis - given no more than three days a year without payment.
  3. Persons who pass entrance and final exams – up to 14 days of vacation.
  4. Persons who work under a collective agreement.
  5. Minors but over 16 years of age who are hired for a period of employment of three to six months.

Certain categories of citizens have the right to receive time off from several hours to a minimum of five days if they:

  • WWII participants whose total vacation is 35 calendar days;
  • working pensioners receive up to two weeks of leave;
  • victims of a terrorist attack or relatives of deceased parents who are survived by minor children;
  • working disabled people – vacation up to 60 days;
  • injured military personnel - up to two weeks of leave per year;
  • adult workers receiving second and subsequent education – time off for up to 15 days.

All these rights are strictly regulated in the Labor Code or in the contract drawn up upon hiring. If an employer refuses the legal basis for issuing several hours or days of vacation, he faces a fine and payment of moral compensation to the person.

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