Drawing up an additional agreement to the employment contract
General provisions After signing the agreement, the parties have mutual rights and obligations, which they
Employment orders - forms T-1 and T-1a
A part-time employee means savings on salary. But only when everything is finalized
What kind of fence can be installed between neighbors according to the law?
No. 1. Criteria for choosing the type of fencing Fencing is assigned a number of tasks, including the main ones:
Invalidation of the will. Determination of the SKGD of the RF Armed Forces dated 05/08/2018.
In what cases can it not be challenged? A will is a one-sided transaction that begins to take effect after the death of the testator.
Fraud when renting an apartment
Fraud when renting an apartment
Nowadays, the real estate market is saturated with scammers who use various techniques to
Can bailiffs force the accounting department to provide a report on deductions from debtors?
There is no special legislation imposing the obligation to timely report to bailiffs. Still worth following
How to properly arrange leave to care for a sick relative
Guardianship is established to protect the rights of incapacitated citizens. Thus, the basis for guardianship is due
difference between a private nursing home
How to correctly register a pensioner in a nursing home for a pension - step-by-step instructions
Parents are the most sacred thing that people have. With the advent of old age they can
Sample notice of a general meeting of homeowners
How to draw up a notice of a meeting Information message about a general meeting of homeowners
Licensing of the management organization
Licensing of management organizations. Functions of state housing supervision
Law on licensing a management company in housing and communal services The gradual reform of the housing and communal services system also affected managers
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