Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain an imperative requirement for the employer to draw up job descriptions
To the Chairman of the Government Editable version (sample complaint) in Word format - Complaint to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
There are often situations when an enterprise simultaneously employs permanent and temporary workers.
In the case of Zabuldygin, everything is somewhat simpler. The main thing is to make sure that his “piece of paper” is
07/12/2019 0 1702 7 min. Among the many social problems in Russia, the most important is considered
A supply agreement is a special case of sale and purchase, which is addressed in Chapter 30 of the Civil Code. By
Application for ITU: form and rules for filling out Application for participation in the medical and social examination is submitted
Types of assistance from the state For vulnerable categories of citizens, there are 2 types of support from the state:
It is known that military personnel often live purely according to their own internal rules, which have little correlation with
At what age is it better to get married? Many men wonder at what age is the best time to get married.