Only the contract that has entered into force causes legal consequences. This means that he becomes legally
Of all banking credit products, mortgages are the most onerous and time-consuming. But sometimes it's
Home / Labor Law / Vacation / Study Back Published: 06/09/2016 Reading time:
Legislative framework Payments for unused vacation are discussed in Articles 126 and 127 of the Labor Code.
To accept an inheritance, it is necessary to submit it to a notary or someone authorized by law to issue certificates
07/20/2015 22 289 0 Reading time: 11 min. Rating: Author: Konstantin Bely
What does temporary registration of a child for kindergarten provide? Parents who have difficulty receiving
Why register an apartment for a child? Next, transactions for the purchase or sale of objects with such
From February 23, 2021, new rules for migration registration of foreign citizens are in force (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Base of standards The Labor Code and the Constitution of the Russian Federation are the main documents that regulate relations