Entry of awards and gratitude in the work book

What incentives are included in the work book?

entry in the work book about the award

The possibility of indicating information about earned awards in the personal documents of citizens is provided for in Art. 191 TK. The employer has the right to thank the employee for outstanding services, and this can be either material reward or expressed in the form of a certificate, letter of gratitude, etc.

According to RF PP No. 225, the following entries on incentives are made in the Labor Code:

  • achievements in the labor sphere in accordance with the Federal Law “On the role of teams in the management of organizations”;
  • achievements in the agricultural sector;
  • awards, certificates of honor and letters of gratitude for certain successes provided for by local acts of a particular enterprise;
  • state awards.

Regardless of the type of achievement about which information is entered, it must be filled out in compliance with the rules for maintaining the Labor Code. Along with the entered data, in a separate column it is necessary to indicate the details of the order according to which the employee was awarded.

What will this give the employee?

An entry about promotion in the work book is of great importance for the employee.

Gratitude increases the employee's prestige in the eyes of management and the chances of getting a higher position. The employee acquires a positive reputation, which forces other team members to follow his example and achieve high performance.

When a person gets a new job, he will immediately be in good standing.

The bosses will be able to trust him with complex tasks, which again contributes to rapid career growth. Therefore, even if the employer did not mention a reward for a difficult task, it is better to hint to him that it would be nice to receive it (meaning intangible).

Employers themselves strive to reward diligent workers, especially if tasks are put forward in a short time.

Employees who constantly strive to improve productivity and product quality, offer innovative ideas and show brilliant results deserve encouragement.

Encouragement can take the form of an announcement of gratitude, bonus, awarding a valuable gift or certificate of honor, inclusion on the Honor Board, etc. Material reward can be a certain amount or percentage of the employee’s salary or the amount of work done.

Labor legislation provides for the possibility of rewarding the best employees by assigning them the status of “best professional,” but managers do not use this option very often.

This is due to the fact that the employer must organize a professional skills competition, assemble a commission, develop evaluation criteria by which the title will be awarded, and also determine the timing and procedure for holding the competition.

However, such incentives can be awarded without competition - based on the employee’s overall achievements.

For this purpose, surveys are conducted and reports are studied. The title is awarded in front of the entire team with the presentation of a diploma or certificate. Possible formulations such as “The best manager”, “The best cook in the profession”, etc.

Information about awards

Entries in the Labor Code about awards, as well as about employment or dismissal, are made by personnel service employees. In order for there to be documentary grounds for filling out these fields of the document, the company’s management needs to issue an order to nominate a citizen for an award and familiarize the employee with the contents.

The order is drawn up in free form in compliance with the rules for maintaining official documentation. It states:

  • full name of the organization;
  • Full name of the manager and employee in respect of whom the order is issued;
  • description of the achievement;
  • Date of preparation;
  • signatures.

Based on this document, the HR department employee can begin filling out the work book. The data is entered in the following order:

  • record number;
  • Date of completion;
  • type of award and brief description of the citizen’s merits;
  • details of the order (issue date and registration number).

Information must be entered exclusively in writing using blue or black ballpoint pens.

Typos and errors are unacceptable. If an inaccuracy is discovered during the filling process or later, no corrections are made. First, inaccurate items are invalidated, and then a new entry is made. Read more about this here.

Sample entry about the award in the work book:

sample award entry

Example of gratitude:

thank you sample

NTVP "Kedr - Consultant"

LLC "NTVP "Kedr - Consultant" » Services » Legal consultations » Labor disputes » On registration in the work book of the ministry's order on awarding a diploma of honor


The employee was awarded a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Health of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (order dated October 31, 2016). The certificate of honor was presented to the personnel department at the place of work on March 7, 2021, the employer issued an order to reward with a bonus in connection with the awarding of the PG of the Ministry of Health.


Is it necessary to put a stamp before recording the award in the work book (after all, this certificate was not issued by the employer), and indicate the order of the Ministry of Health as the basis for the entry? what date of entry should be indicated in the work book, the current one? in which section should I record the Certificate of Honor, awards or encouragement?

Lawyer's answer

Information about awards (promotions) is entered into the work book in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 10 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books and sect. 4 Instructions for filling out work books.

Information about awards (incentives) includes information (clause 24 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books):

- about awarding state awards;

— awarding state honorary titles;

- awarding certificates of honor;

— assignment of titles;

- awarding badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor;

- other types of incentives.

An entry about the award is made in the employee’s work book on the basis of a relevant document, for example, an order (instruction) of the employer to award (promote) the employee. This follows from paragraph 10, paragraphs. “a” clause 24 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, section. 4 Instructions for filling out work books. Such an order (instruction) is drawn up either in standardized forms N T-11 or N T-11a, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 N 1, or in a form developed by the employer.

The specified entry is made in the work book no later than a week, must correspond to the text of the document on the basis of which it is made, and contain a link to its date and number. These conclusions follow from the cumulative analysis of clause 10 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, section. 4 Instructions for filling out work books.

Guide to HR issues. Work book {ConsultantPlus}

The procedure for entering information about awards is as follows: in column 3 of the “Information about awards” section of the work book, the full name of the organization is indicated as a heading, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any); below in column 1 the serial number of the entry is entered (numbering increasing throughout the entire period of the employee’s work activity); Column 2 indicates the date of award; Column 3 records who awarded the employee, for what achievements and with what award; Column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 N 69 (as amended on October 31, 2016) “On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books” {ConsultantPlus}

Based on the foregoing, it follows that the entry about the award is made in the “Information about the award” section of the employee’s work book on the basis of a relevant document, for example, an order (instruction) of the employer on awarding (rewarding) the employee. Before an entry in the work book about the award of an employee, the employer’s stamp is affixed, the basis for making the entry is the Order (instruction) of the employer (see the form: Work book. Entry about the award of an employee (sample filling)). In column 2 of the “Information about awarding” section of the work book, it is necessary to indicate the date of presentation.

Form: Work book. Record of awarding an employee (filling sample) (Prepared by ConsultantPlus specialists, 2017) {ConsultantPlus}

Question: What is indicated in column 2 in the work book in the information about the award? The date of the award itself or the date of the order? (“Website “Onlineinspection.RF”, 2015) {ConsultantPlus}

Question: Is it possible to make an entry in an employee’s work book about his being awarded a letter of gratitude from a related organization - a partner (for professional merits)? How to add it? (Expert consultation, Ministry of Labor of Russia, 2015) {ConsultantPlus}

The explanation was given by Igor Borisovich Makshakov, legal consultant of LLC NTVP Kedr-Consultant, March 2017.

When preparing the answer, SPS ConsultantPlus was used.

This clarification is not official and does not entail legal consequences; it is provided in accordance with the Regulations of the CONSULTATION LINE ().

How to display other incentives

The described method is also relevant for other achievements. Gratitude with entry into the work book, information about the received diploma, gift and other types of incentives - all this can be indicated in the work book.

ATTENTION! Information of this kind is recorded solely on the initiative of the employee. If a citizen wants information about an award received at work to be present in his personal documents, he must inform his manager about his desire.

What awards are recorded?

The section “Information about awards” contains all the information about a person’s labor exploits .
The entry is made on the basis of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, which specifically states what awards should be reflected in the employee’s documents. The following must be included in the work book :

  1. Receiving state awards.
  2. Awards on behalf of the organization where the person works. Basically, they express gratitude, present certificates of honor, and award the title of the best in the profession. Various insignia, badges, and diplomas may also be awarded.
  3. The organization’s internal labor regulations and collective agreement may privately establish its own awards, the receipt of which is also reflected in the work record book.

Regular bonuses and other monetary incentives provided for in the Regulations on Remuneration are not provided .

They do not express the exclusivity of the employee’s labor feats; they are paid based on the payment system.

Departmental awards are the most significant for an employee.

They will allow you to apply for higher ranks in the future. But state and departmental awards always require forward movement.

That is, it is problematic to receive a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of the Russian Federation until the employee is awarded the same certificate or a Certificate of Gratitude from the Ministry of the subject where he lives. And for him, in turn, the employee must be awarded at the district and city level.

When is the entry made?

Any award has its own documentary evidence . Usually this is an order or a letter. An entry in the work book is made only after a document is in hand, where it is written that a particular employee has been declared Gratitude, given a bonus, or awarded a Certificate of Honor.

Until the order reaches the HR department , even though the employee has already received the award itself, the information is not entered into the labor report.

Moreover, the Instructions do not specify the deadline for making an entry. There, only a specific case related to employer awards is considered. Information about incentives from the institution is entered within a week after the relevant order is issued. Everything else is not regulated. But it is more advisable to make an appointment within a reasonable time rather than drag it out for a long time.

What to do if there is no space?

Completing an award work record is a simple process. But sometimes HR specialists are faced with the fact that there is simply no free space in the document to enter mandatory information.

Under such conditions, it is not permitted to attach additional sheets or include information about the award in the lines intended to indicate the place of work. Therefore, a special insert is started.

entering the award in the work book

Employer's liability

Completing personal documentation for each employee is considered a specific and significant process. Therefore, the director of any company must take care of the correct implementation of this process. Otherwise, he will be brought to administrative responsibility. Punishment is imposed in the following situations:

  • the information in the work book is unreliable;
  • within the established time frame, the employer did not enter the necessary data into the documentation, although an order was issued;
  • information is entered without an official order;
  • The entry was made incorrectly.

If the rules for maintaining work records are violated, the following types of punishments are applied to the responsible person:

  • a fine in the amount of a specialist’s salary for a period of 1 to 2 months;
  • correctional labor for up to one year;
  • arrest for up to 3 months.

If the procedure for handling work books is completely violated, then the punishment is imposed on the basis of Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offences. In this case, the organization pays a fine of 50 to 70 thousand rubles, and officials pay a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles, which can be replaced by disqualification for three years.

That is why the appointed responsible person must carefully study the sample entries in the work book about the award in order to avoid significant errors.

filling out the award work book

How to keep records of paper work

Previously, to record work books, it was necessary to use the approved forms of the receipt and expenditure book for recording the forms of the work book and the insert in it and the book of accounting for the movement of work books and the inserts in them. From September 1, they will lose force along with the order of the Ministry of Labor that approved them.

Now employers will develop similar forms themselves. Account books and journals will need to be numbered, laced and certified with the signature of the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur, seal (if any). Wax seals and sealing are no longer required.

Consequences of repeated violation

If labor inspectorate specialists identify repeated violations by the head of the company, they apply a more severe punishment to the violator. Based on parts 2 and 3. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offences, a fine of 100 to 200 thousand rubles is imposed on companies, and individual entrepreneurs pay from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. Officials are disqualified for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Therefore, even incorrectly filling out a work book can result in severe penalties being applied to a company or private entrepreneur. This is due to the fact that this document is the employee’s personal documentation. Based on the information available in the work book, a person can calculate his pension or obtain the title of labor veteran.

If a company employee finds out that the employer incorrectly entered information into his work book, he can write a statement to the labor inspectorate. If necessary, a statement of claim is filed in court to recover moral compensation.

Regulatory basis for introducing incentives

Recommendations for filling out these columns are contained in various legal acts devoted to career activities. This:

  1. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 66 of which directly indicates the possibility of entering data on awards into the employee’s personal registration act;
  2. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 of October 10, 2003 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out.” Article 4 of the act specifies the procedure for entering information about incentives;
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225, indicating general provisions for maintaining labor documents.

The above acts are binding on all organizations and corporations of the Russian Federation. However, the list of incentive options contained in Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not closed, so some methods should be considered separately.

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