Rules for granting previously unused vacation
The need to comply with the vacation schedule Citizens engaged in labor activities are entitled to rest. When specified
The difference between a fixed-term and open-ended employment contract - photo
The difference between a fixed-term employment contract and an employment contract - how to choose the right type and not violate current legislation
Employment contract and everything about it What is an employment contract? Employment contract - barely
Order to reduce the number and staff of employees: sample 2021
An order to reduce the number of employees is a document that is drawn up in cases where
How to indicate the grounds in a fixed-term employment contract for hiring a temporary employee during the absence of the main employee and her replacement?
Fixed-term employment contract of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation When the employment contract is drawn up for a period of no more than five
Dismissal as a disciplinary sanction: what is important to know?
From the article you will learn: The current labor legislation establishes a strict list of disciplinary sanctions that
Article 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Replacement of annual paid leave with monetary compensation (current version)
Annual leave of 28 days cannot be replaced by money. Every employee with an employment contract is entitled to leave.
When do military wives go on vacation?
Topic: Providing leave to a military spouse
07/09/2019 0 2814 5 min. The question of the procedure for granting leave to the wife of a serviceman is considered extremely
Guarantees when concluding an employment contract
Article 56. Concept of an employment contract. Parties to an employment contract An employment contract is an agreement between the employer
Who should pay for a medical examination at work and how?
Does an employer have the right to require a medical examination on a day that is a day off for an employee? Legally
We arrange work correctly on a day off: all the nuances
An order to work on a day off is an integral part of the work process if employees are involved
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