Accounting in examples Subscribe Free “Silver” newsletter Subscribers 6,724 RSS November 2007 1
Answers from lawyers (2) Notarized consent to refuse privatization is issued by a citizen who does not want
Why is a marriage contract for an apartment concluded? It’s worth saying right away that many have a negative attitude
The issue of surrogacy is controversial. If in France or Germany for participation in the program
An application for bankruptcy of an individual is submitted to the arbitration court in order to begin insolvency proceedings.
Own living space is one of the basic needs and dreams of almost every Russian woman.
Any failure to pay a debt results in the applicant initiating legal proceedings. What's important here is not
Not all representatives of the fair sex know what the labor code provides for
Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights Back Published: 10/05/2018 Reading time: 7 min
Where are the number and date of the registration on the birth certificate? When filling out paper forms