How to cancel a booking on Booking due to coronavirus.
Cancel a reservation and not overpay: how to cancel a reservation on Booking?
Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights / Services and consumer protection Back Published:
Is it possible to withdraw a resignation letter at your own request?
Withdrawing a resignation letter at your own request: 4 simple ways Procedure for terminating an employment contract
Author's material: Employee initiative and agreement of the parties to dismiss: how to avoid mistakes?
Dismissal by agreement of the parties, sample agreement Dismissal by agreement of the parties is mutual agreement
The Inca Empire: the flag as a symbol of a disappeared state
Jurisprudence. Educational and methodological manual in tables, diagrams and definitions. V. Kulkina, 2014
Home / Labor Law / Responsibility / Disciplinary Back Published: 05/21/2016 Reading time:
child care
How to obtain guardianship over an incapacitated elderly person
The concept of guardianship Guardianship is the process of a guardian performing actions to care for an incapacitated person,
Filing an appeal against the decision of the court of first instance
Fixed and “floating” amounts of state duty The amount of payment of state duty to the court is determined by the reason for the application
Unjust enrichment in the light of the definition in case No. 2-КГ19-7: this has never happened and here it is again
What is unjust enrichment? Leaving aside the emotional and ethical side of the issue, which
Where to file a complaint about non-payment of wages
Delayed wages: who, how and for what can be punished
Worked without registration: features and consequences Not all workers agree with the opinion that
The topic of personal bankruptcy is now more relevant than ever. The new crisis has hit the pockets of Russians,
refusal to work
Employer's liability for violation of labor laws
Article 419 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that persons guilty of violating labor legislation and
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