Online shopping. How to easily return money for a product that you are not happy with
It is undeniable that the activities of military personnel are one of the main ones in the Russian Federation, as they are associated with
Almost every person faces the problem of divorce during their life. Divorce procedure is not emotional
All HR specialists from time to time inevitably face in their work the need to fire employees.
Home / Labor Law / Labor Code / Work experience Back Published: 05/13/2016 Time
Author of the article: Vladimir Danilevsky Last modified: January 2021 69203 Leave due to
Types of disciplinary sanctions There are the following types of sanctions for military personnel: reprimand; severe reprimand; deprivation of leave;
Making changes to the vehicle passport when changing the surname Every citizen should know that registration
Penalties Responsibility of customers and suppliers in the form of penalties is established for violation of deadlines for fulfilling contractual
An employment contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer. Who can act as an employer?